I just had the most uplifting experience and I want to offer it as today's Valentine gift to you.
As I get more into this moment, I realize that what I'm receiving right now is 'right on time' as February is the month that American culture has ascribed for us to show our love for one another. And unfortunately, this is usually directed to involve couples enjoying romantic love.

What is beautiful about this group, is how they've allowed the projection of their purpose to take on a form that follows the electro-magnetics fields of the heart. The range of their loving assistance flows out to help men that are located very to them, those more distant in other states, as well as all the way out to small villages on continents and islands far away.
That is how the range of energy that flows from our hearts out into the Universe functions. It is a flow. It is circular. The electromagnetic field of one's Heart is more powerful than can be measured. It creates a field that cannot be quantified in it's distance and expanse.
Did you know that there is a quality of certain living cells, that their vibration, pulse or beat is such that if you bring other cells close to it, they will begin to beat together? This is called entrainment.
The Heart is a system of the body, that most magnificently exemplies this. It is made up of so many different parts, that have different functions, yet, all of the cells and tissue and systems work together, brought under one pulse, one rhythmic beating. The Heart has the power to entrain all other systems of the body to it's beating. Even the cells of one's mind/brain.
When the brain -and the rest of the body---is brought into entrainment with the Heart, we have Heart Entrainment, and ultimately, what's called Heart Coherence.
When Heart Coherence exists, one can work from/within their Heart's electromagnetic field to heal and to connect to other life forms that they are in affinity with. When this occurs, a bond is created, and both Hearts beat as One. This is all scientific, but all I've seen and learned has been proven, for there is scientific foundation for these things that I accept and have known intuitively or Spiritually.
The Institute of Heart Math, and a book I truly love -"The Intelligence of the Heart, THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF PLANTS in the Direct Perception of Nature", by Stephen Harrod Buhner, have been my introductory "curriculum" you might say. I always want to share what I know and am learning with you, keeping you in intellectual/mental alignment. I like to do this because I think you might find some of this cutting edge stuff fascinating in it's implications as well. I don't want to be the only one having all the fun, playing with these newer revelations.
The Institute of Heart Math has been very active in this research. I included the image above so that you get a picture of how this field of electromagnetic power radiates from the Heart. It is not a linear progression, but spirals out in ever expanding circles, in every direction and dimension. In reclaiming the birthright of understanding from our ancient ancestors, we will have to drop the limited linear thinking which has been programmed into us. It's time we expand into our greater potential.
The Circle of Twelve is such a perfect demonstration of all of this actually happening now. Enjoy the short video of one of their events held in August 2009. After viewing, click on the Award Recipients link, and meet the brothers around the globe they have helped. Perhaps make a donation, if you want to be a part of this loving giving.
I'm really showing this because of the very last story in the video, so be sure to watch until the end. I don't want your Sweet Heart, to miss the candy I'm presenting it today. And that 'candy' is the thrill of feeling and witnessing Heart-warming Good.
Thanks I am passing this one on. LA of all places...Imagine that!
hello kentke,
ReplyDeleteit is lovely to have our spirits weaving even though our bodies have not yet met.
thank you both for the beautiful blog post regarding a circle of twelve and for the recommendation for the website work.
we are touched deeply by your efforts. i, michael, will enjoy sharing your piece with the other circle of twelve members.
it is deeply gratifying to see the many and varied ways kindness and compassion can be shared with the world.
and even though we are tickled with the spirit dancing that we have been engaged in we also look forward to the day when our bodies can meet as well.
michael and anneli
All my pleasure~