Passing on this notice I received from the producers of the "Women of the Edge of Evolution teleseminars. They are also offering a scholarship to women interested in attending this conference, but facing financial obstacles.
Dear Sisters,
We often learn to understand ourselves more deeply by understanding where we come from and how we fit into our larger family dynamic. Yet that not only applies to our family of origin; it applies as well to our sex, our nationality and so forth.
As Western women, we're influenced in ways both large and small by historical forces of which we're sometimes only scarcely aware.
Marianne Williamson is hosting a historic event called SISTER GIANT at the end of this month, during which she will be guiding participants through a journey of discovery both within and without....where we come from as women, where we are now, and where we can go from here.
A common anthropological characteristic of every advanced mammalian species that survives and thrives is the fierce behavior of the adult female when she senses a threat to her cubs. Our relative complacency while 17,000 children on our planet starve to death every day -- one every five seconds -- indicates a lack of positive intention, on the part of our species, literally to survive. The power we hold as American women is unmatched anywhere in the world, and our failure to use that power as effectively as we might on behalf of those who need us the most is a situation now ripe for change.
The goal of SISTER GIANT is to empower you to feel that you can be, should you choose, a major player in the loving transformation of the world. Tools both internal and external will be provided to help every woman leap into the fullness of her most creative and powerful self.
CLICK HERE to find out more and register now.
Scholarship Opportunity
We here at Feminine Power Global Community feel that this is such an important event that have decided to offer ten partial scholarships (50% off the suggested tuition, $125) for women who are feeling called to participate in this event for whom the scholarship would make their attendance possible.
To apply for the scholarship please write to us at http://us.mc355.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=events@womenontheedgeofevolution.com and tell us why you're feeling called to participate and how the scholarship will enable you to do so (approx 300 words).
This seminar can do more than change your life; it can change someone else's as well.
With love,
Katherine & Claire
P.S. Please help spread the word and share this with the women in your life-- and bring your girlfriends with you to the event!
Hi Kentke,
ReplyDeleteThanks for this info. I also enjoyed reading your latest blog postings--amazed to see that Mandela is 92!
G. S.
Hi G.S.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback. You inspired me to post the announcement of the conference on the Knewz, so more sharp women like yourself would know it's happening.
Glad you're enjoying the blog. And yes, I agree....Nelson Mandela is a marvel.