Friday, March 13, 2015

File Charges Against the 47 U.S. Senators in Violation of The Logan Act in Attempting to Undermine a Nuclear Agreement.

Sometimes being a woman of color, you just get sick and tired of the ignorance and arrogance of white men. Let me rephrase that, not sometimes, but in truth, I live sick and tired of being governed, ruled by, and effected by men that are less intelligent, and less globally aware of the requirement of a high consciousness within all of humanity, for the wholeness of all life on this planet.

Those whose minds which are still caught up within the boundaries of tribal, regional, religious, cultural, political and ethnic identifications bore me. I love how these things can lightly sweeten a person's being, but when they overpower the individual's expression of Life in the moment, they bear an odor. And for me, it's a repulsive fragrance, not an attractive one.

We have got to expand our minds and ideas about what is good for us, to know that what is good for the wholeness of the planet, is what is good for us.

Selfish, greedy, and long outdated ways of living and using Earth's resources  have got to be released, so that Life can be all that it's supposed to be IN THIS MOMENT. 

Not the good old days of how it was when Ronald Reagan was president, Russia was an empire or the Soviet Union, or the Rockefeller and Rothschild families controlled economies. Nor do we need to deny the possibilities of this moments gifts, in favor of how life was lived when the Prophet was alive, or when slavery created a vicious culture that made white people rich, imperialism and colonization subjugated cultures and people so that England, could declare that she ruled the seas.

I shared a petition with friends that deals with the interference of US Senators in the peace agreements the current administration is undertaking with Iran. Here's the link should you like to check it out, and sign or offer your disagreement.

Here also are two conversations sparked by the email that was sent out.

Hey ....

Good luck.  If you got a million signatures nothing would happen.  This is America or have you forgotten?  These are about 45 highly placed white people you are talking about!!!  You would stand a better chance getting you 40 acres (which is no chance at all) then getting treason charges brought.  Power comes out of the barrel of a gun -- America/Obama/Congress/the Judiciary all knows that.  Not from the ballot box.  It's better to keep one's mouth shut & carry a BIG STICK.  Race relations are worse now than they were 6 years ago when our black prez took office.

Good luck with your petition.   Once submitted their will just wipe their asses with it.  By the way the Koch brothers control the toilet paper business.  Smart white boys!!!

When you speak of war mongers think about Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan, etc.  And don't forget about Panama, Columbia, Venezuela, Somalia, Libya, Iran, the Phillipines, and of course the biggest pain in the ass in the entire world is Israel (been that way since 1948).  Instead of giving the Eastern European Jews a part of Germany they gave them Arab land.  It became the So. Africa of the middle east.  Without the USA Israel would not exist.  There are 14 million Jews in the entire world.  1/2 of them are in Israel & the rest are in Russia & the USA.  Not that many people in a world of 6.8 Billion people.  That is equal to 0.021% --basically no body!!!  Check out the positions of power that they occupy in finance, entertainment, news, CEOs of corporations.

Never forget that the A-bomb has been used twice in history against 2 civilian targets!!!

Let me know how the petitioning of your government works out.

I would suggest you might have more success with learning to speak both Spanish & Manadrin Chinese & learning to make tacos & chicken fried rice.

Hope all is well with you & yours.

And the response ~

Wow Jimmy! You're in rare form this morning!
Thanks for that! I agree with every single thing you said ~
except for the fact that what happens in the world, is not just about what human beings think constitutes POWER.

It does not come out of the barrel of a gun. What comes out of the barrel of a gun is death, and force. Let's be clear about that.

What these men are instituting is not Power. They delude themselves and use money and institutions like police and military enforcement, courts and laws to force by violence and threat of death, their will upon the people.

That's not power. That's ignorance, that's evil, that's cruel and mean, and most of all blind to how LIFE works.
That shit is short lived. And time and time again, it fails and falls.

And by the way, I take insult at your referring to it as 'my petition', and ' my government'. Neither of these do I claim as representative, or expressions of who and what I AM.

I passed this on because who I AM, does have the right to let these legislators know, that somebody don't agree with them. That somebody doesn't like what they did, and that somebody is willing to stand up to them, and tell them so.

Who knows,.....enough people sign that petition, or letter, or rant, .....and they just might hear it. They might 'feel it'. It might stimulate thought within themselves...because that's what's powerful. Thought. And if a physical instrument, like a petition signed by millions, made them stop, reflect and think for even a moment.....then that's a powerful grace.

You see, unlike you, I do not believe that man is ALL POWERFUL. Whatever one calls It, I believe, that there's something that holds all of this together, and at any point It can pull the rug out from under those that as my grandmother used to say...'think they're standing besides themself'...meaning....they're ego has them thinking they are bigger than they really are.

I work from that awesome wholeness, and watch and laugh, as It does It's Thang......

I agree, it's almost impossible to live happily and hopefully, by what Man and Society present to us as, 'The Appearance of Things". I believe, that that is all that what we're seeing is....just the 'appearance'. I know that the real power is in the stuff, you can't see. The Invisible, the Force, the Power, the Substance of Creation ~  unable to be correctly named, understood or fully known, but  that's always happening, is an absolute energy that's about wholeness, harmony, and most importantly is a loving, giving cosmic mind.

White boys from the south ain't got no power.....everybody knows that. That's why they band together and hide undersheets, and created and maintain an "'ol boys club". Cause individually... and alone...they.. ain't.. got... no.... power.

Scared ass muthafuckers, vicious, incapable of doing anything but copying/stealing and imposing prolonged violence and destruction.

Still mad, cause they ain't got no melanin, no dicks..sickly, mad cause we kicked em out of humanities' Motherland, and sent them on they treks away from us. So this latest act is another demonstration of their revenge~

See.... tribal. Small minded. I'm gonna get you back....So locked in their hatred and subconscious fear of Black men (bi-racial President Obama), and so blinded by it's control of them, that they're willing to doom all humanity to constant conflict.

glad to hear from you.
hope to see you sometime soon~


  1. You're one of the good guys. Wish there were more of you. Stay healthy & wise. jk

  2. Now you've just made my day......
    ooh my heart is warmed.
    check the blog. our conversation is second with some
    minor editing....the first one speaks to how I feel racism
    and all the other shit will be dissolved.

    By excellence. You just can't beat it. And we're a people that is full of it!

    If we'd just get our heads out of the 'lesser mind's asses', and back up on our own necks,
    lots of stuff would change.....we just not listening to our hearts. we listening to the program,
    the bullshit, the hype....and for that , we're loosing.

    Yes rebellion is the way. Rebel against the bullshit. We can use a gun, but in truth Jimmy, our shit is so authentic, that we can change shit with a look! As a kid, I used to get slapped and scolded all the time for 'rolling my eyes' , hear me? I didn't have to say was all in my eyes that I wasn't going for it. Check out these links and see what Michelle does with a look, like the one Michelle gives them white bitches when they get out of line.

    Telling you Jimmy, spirit gave us an immense arsenal that we are not using to our advantage like we used to.
    And we've forgotten how. So we think we can only fight like the poor limited white boy can....with a gun....
    and there, we'd never win. Just like the awful African heads of state, we've picked up and mastered the worst habits of our oppressors.

    But if we ever pulled together the stuff we do have within us, and employ it for our self-preservation and the good of all life.....whoa....It's a new day in Dodge.



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