My first reference point is that I'm an animal. First and foremost. As an existential life, before I'm a human being, I'm a member of, and grateful to be, related to all within the animal kingdom. Animals~ and all of Nature~are my teachers, not human beings. For animals are among the most successful creatures on the planet.
You might say that my thinking is the reverse of the writer of the piece below. I want to be as smart as an animal, for I believe that if I can live true to the examples of the intelligence I witness throughout the animal kingdom, that that would be a good starting point for me as a human being.
However you see it, enjoy the listing and the photos!
10 Animals Who Are Almost as Smart as Humans
While we pride ourselves in being the most intelligent species, some
animals aren't far beyond. With abilities such as reasoning, social
status, and problem solving these animals make a name for themselves as
being smartypants.

and Chimpanzees are not too far apart. We share 98% of our genomes
with these hairy primates, so of course they would have 98% of our
intelligence. Chimps make and use tools, solve complex problems, hunt
in organized groups, and engage in acts of humor or violence. Chimps
can also show altruism, empathy, and self-awareness.
And if you've been reading the blog for a while, you know I love Bonobos, our other close cousins.

Bottlenose Dolphins
only do these dolphins have one of the biggest animal brains, but they
are also known to be one of the smartest species. Bottlenose dolphins
have advanced communication skills. They speak through a language of
whistles and clicks, and can even call each other by name.

the mud, pigs are actually very smart and clean creatures. Research
has shown that a pig has the intellectual capacity of a 3-year-old. In a
1990 study, pigs were trained to move a video game cursor with their
snout to distinguish scribbled lines they have seen before verses
scribbled lines they were seeing for the first time. They learned this
task as quickly as chimpanzees.

their renowned ability to talk may be merely mimicry, parrots have an
amazing memory. They also possess reasoning abilities that allow them
to solve basic math and relativity problems. Their knowledge goes
beyond associating the sounds of words with a meaning; parrots can
generalize groups of objects, just like humans.

intelligence level varies across breeds, dogs in general learn new
skills quickly. Dogs can understand up to 250 words, the same as a
toddler. The smartest breeds include the Border Collie, German
Shepherd, Poodle, and Golden Retriever. But, it is their emotional
intelligence that makes them man’s best friend.

are known as one of the smartest invertebrates. They have highly
evolved emotions, intelligence, and even individual responsibility. What
makes octopuses unique in their intellectual abilities is that the
majority of their neurons are in their arms, not their brain, unlike
humans and most animals.

underestimate squirrels just because they are small. They have very
great, but very focused intelligence on one thing: gathering food. They
have an insane ability to remember where they stored food. They are
also very fast learners and can adapt to changes in their environment

it comes to animal intelligence, you probably didn’t think cows would
make the list. But believe it or not, cows are very emotionally evolved
creatures. Studies have shown that they have best friends and they
become depressed when they are separated from their BFF. Cows also
develop social hierarchies and can hold grudges.

they might creep some people out, rats are smarter than you think.
They have great long-term memory, can adapt to changes quickly, and can
solve complex problems. They can understand causal relationships, A
causes B, like humans and our close primate relatives.

we might think raccoon are menaces for getting into our trash, we have
to give them props for being so resourceful. Raccoons are able to form
social relationship and use tools to solve complex problems, like
breaking into a trashcan, or worse, a house.
And a little more to keep you smiling~
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