If you are really upset or sorry about something, you might lament it. Many of the oldest and most lasting poems in human history have been laments (pronounced 'lah-mint'). There are examples of lament in the Hebrew and Christian Holy texts, as well as classical and Hellenistic Greek and Islamic songs. It is a global phenomenon, both ancient and continuously created form of human expression, which includes and spans the Hindu Vedas to the Blues and Jazz genres of music, created by the African descended people of America.
A lament or lamentation is a passionate expression of grief, often in music, poetry, or song form. The grief is most often born of regret, or mourning.
In a lament, one gives expression to one's feelings and emotions by expressing complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness. Included in the definitions are that it's a loud cry or repeated cries of pain or rage or sorrow.
In her book, "Lyrics of Lament: From Tragedy to Transformation", Dr. Nancy C. Lee states, "If we ask what songs or lyrics today might fit the “lament” genres, a good signal is whether or not they contain a description of distress". I offer two contemporary examples for your listening pleasure. I find these great examples of the angst and trials our young people feel today. Both Chris Brown and Janelle Monae are unique, dynamic and outstanding artists that have great authentic talent.
Some may wonder how I could post Chris Brown's video because of the language. If you saw the 2014 BET Award Show last week, then you know why I'm sharing this. It has been years since I've been moved by a performer like I was while watching him sing, 'Loyal'. The camera panned the audience of stars, catching John Legend and Pharrell watching Brown perform. EVERYBODY was up, and totally entranced with his performance. He was thrilling. It was on the level of watching Michael Jackson's artistry.
It was only clouded by the fact that Brown had just been released from a jail sentence, and the lyrics were mostly blocked out being too profane for television. Still I haven't seen an artist connect with his music, body and soul like I saw that evening. I don't even watch BET, but I've watched the Award Show 3 times now, to catch his performance (It's about 45 minutes into the show). I then went to youTube, to hear the actual song, which I'm sharing with you.
Being able to hear the lyrics that'd been left out on TV, got me thinking deeper about the song, it's message and Chris Brown's journey. And one morning out of my meditation came the words, "It's a lament".
A very legitimate creative art form.
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No Comments?!?!?!??
ReplyDeleteWell I will ;~)
Gosh I love this post.
Because of the music. I just found a youtube video
of Janelle Monae doing 'Sincerely, Jane' Live.
So click here to see her beautiful sweet face, and drink in her energy as she does her best to give freedom to her great dancing and voice, in these
limited circumstances.
Wow this is wonderful. ..how can you increase the distribution of this blog ?
Share it with friends and tell them to do the same. It's purpose is to inform share valuable stuff, inspire and provide a place folks can 'talk'.
ReplyDeleteGive folks the blog address and invite them to scroll thru back to the beginning when they have time. There' s lots of interesting stuff and all of it is still relevant.
Encourage friends to add to the topic and Comment. They can do so anonymously and include an email that only I will see if they want to get in contact. On the blog posts the green font is my (the blog author's) voice as opposed to other sources.
If others start reading I'll resurrect and start posting regularly again. I stopped cuz it seemed to be of value to so few people......
More good reading on this topic~ I shared this blog post with the Alex Mason, who wrote a great piece entitled: "Byron was a poet, Jay-Z can’t be: academia’s marginalisation of black art", on Media Diversified, a blog I subscribe to from the U K blog .
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