Thank you to all that commented, shared and encouraged.
Today just happens to be exactly the date we began three years ago with this effort.
Your love, support and enjoying what's been presented has been appreciated.
The grace to write and express myself, .....to find images of beauty and interest that reflect the power of the visual to affect us.......to imagine that I'm reaching another Heart, out there in our world, ....offering something substantial that can inspire, uplift, clarify and add to another's day, or their way~
To the Source of All of this ......I give thanks~
Everyone.....have fun! Fearlessly BE, the Love you are. Continuously expand and transform.
Why are you stopping?
Dearest Sam,
you know I've been thinking about that for a while. I even did cease publishing for a couple of months, but then came back.
Actually I am not able to give enough positive content.
I seem to be focused much more on what I see that could be better, or pointing out the insanity in the thinking, actions and schemes that offend me.
And that's not what I want to be expressing in the world.
Even though a part of me feels these things, my Heart's intent is to stay focused on, and grounded in the view of Perfection....that is always at hand. Always present.
I'm just not masterful enough yet, to be in the world....and unbothered by it, as my brother could do.
Shit fucks with me. I find myself so sickened by the thinking and actions of the dominanting culture and civilization, and how it's imposed itself upon everyone and everything. There's still a part of me that RAGES against this.
So I work on dissolving the delusions and egoic thinking within me, that harbors all that. Because I know, that in my heart wherein Lives my True self....the person, thinking and feeling like that is not who and what I really am.
I'm just going to be more private with my thinking while the inner and outer work continues.
Only a few folks checked the blog out anyway. Most people go bopping along on their merry way....just the cog in the wheel. It's so much easier to roll along with the world's/"The System's" wagon....than to jump off, and run thru the grass finding your own path.
And that's what I was trying to encourage people to do....
Love you much. Thanks for caring and asking.
ReplyDeleteI just went up and read your final post. I'm convinced you will find--if you haven't already--new ways of being love.
In solidarity and love,
Thank you Dear One.....
ReplyDeleteStand still like a hummingbird,
that Love may embrace you.
I believe I can understand some of your frustration, but must say, you are not alone in that regard.
ReplyDeleteWe all have stuff we believe in and want to do, and sometimes when things don't work the way we want we become so pissed we can't see straight. There is no one I have ever read or heard about who achieved something worthwhile without experiencing their share of difficulty and frustration. If you want to breathe the air on the mountain top then it is only right you spend sometime in the valley.
When we were younger we could afford to be flip and flighty as we just knew that somewhere along the way, things were going to work out. We're older now and three years out of our lives is something we will never get back - you dig? If need be, take another hiatus and come back more focused and deliberate than ever. Don't worry about the folks who don't pick up on what you are trying to do and say. There are supposedly over 7 billion people on the earth and you just might be preaching to the wrong choir. It's amazing the refinements time can bring to our efforts.
The ******* ***** I know, love and respect is a strong willed firebrand who doesn't quit just because something is more difficult than originally anticipated. For you to throw in the towel and give up on Fresh Knewz is very un******* like.
Take some time, do some different things and come back stronger than ever. . .
Oh believe me Darling, I'm not quitting.
ReplyDeleteI'm just creating space and time in order to allow a different way to emerge.
I no longer feel comfortable with the beliefs, and thinking in my own mind, that were behind my blog effort. So 'quietly, sweetly and lovingly'....I'm letting it go.
It's just like when I wore some of the most beautiful locks on the planet years ago. When they no longer expressed who I was, I received a message, and was willing to abide. I cut them off, and a whole new way of Being opened up for me .
That's what my entire process is about. Not holding on. Not clinging to former self-images, ideals, and even cherished beliefs....everything is open to be brushed along by the winds of this moment so that I can BE fresh, in tune, and aligned with the insight, wisdom, and right actions of this moments' demands.
Even your recollections of me from the past....kind and well-meaning as they are, should not be held other than examples of fond incarnations of this Lifetime. You're very into Jesus. During his life he was known as a little brother, as a son, as a carpenter, as a student, a hermit, mystic and contemplative. He was known as a preacher, healer, gang leader, rebel and revolutionary. At his end he was labeled a king (King of the jews), but received the punishment given to criminals (hung on Calvary between two criminals).
These are just some of the ways, that people he met along his long eventful Life on Earth, saw him.....and each knew him, depending on where and what were the circumstances when they came upon him.
The same is true with the life of Gautama Buddha (also known as Shakyamuni Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama. So the one thing I've learned from studying the lives of great people is that throughout their lives they were always changing their names, their identities and their lifestyle (or way of Being on the Earth). This reflected their atunement to the transforming principal that was at work in their highly evolved consciousness. In our own lifetime, and right there in New York, your home town, one of my favorite examples is the dynamic life of Malcolm Little who left this Earth as Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, a contemporary example of this same transformation that is always available to us.
One thing, we can both see from this exchange, is that I will continue to write, express what I'm gathering and share with those wonderful people who are also about having a meaningful life. This communication we share is tight, and I dare say, is on thruout this Lifetime. We'll keep doing this....just without the great graphics....
But don't hold me in my past. Watch me, ...join me....inspire and encourage me to expand and transform......
Wonderful, keep on keepin on. . .
Hey! Maybe this is part of the new form!...Already I've received a few more responses than usual.
ReplyDeleteMaybe dialogue through the Comment section will finally come alive!
There's lots of good content on the blog. Enough for folks to look through and contemplate. So I'll keep checking back, and responding to any new Comments that I receive.
See Sam....once again, you've been a part of the solution, and this happy ending!
Ola' querida Irma!
ReplyDeleteHoping that you're still around or will be back soon, here's something for you:
Com dois beijos,
Ola Koluki!
ReplyDeleteCara menina, you honor me again....
You are too kind. It's really wonderful to hear from you. Hoping to make it your way this June. If so, we will definately get together.
Thanks for the initial inspiration and continued encouragement. So nice to know that you scrolled thru from time to time.
Your blog is still one of the best. For me, it says it all...and so beautifully presented too. You consistently provide insight on those issues, events and ideas we need to know about and discuss. And your coverage of cultural events lets us celebrate while being inspired by the best of our talented artists. Ultimo!
Dois beijos~
When my step falters/ Consider it 2 be an offering at the altar of inspiration ---
ReplyDeleteAs the breath exhaled departs/ Leaving space 4 me, you and the new 2 start.