Friday, September 17, 2010

This is a Day of Completion ~ On the Third Anniversary, We Cease Publishing the Knewz from Meroe West

Thank you to all that commented, shared and encouraged.

Today just happens to be exactly the date we began three years ago with this effort.

Your love, support and enjoying what's been presented has been appreciated.

The grace to write and express myself, find images of beauty and interest that reflect the power of the visual to affect imagine that I'm reaching another Heart, out there in our world, ....offering something substantial that can inspire, uplift, clarify and add to another's day, or their way~

To the Source of All of this ......I give thanks~

Everyone.....have fun! Fearlessly BE, the Love you are. Continuously expand and transform.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Ways of Being Love

Many years ago, I began to request of Cosmic Consciousness, the grace to experience new ways of Being in love. I asked to see love in 'new faces, and new places'. This request has led me, into whole new realms of greater and fresh understanding of this elusive and fundamental quality of Life. And it never stops. The lessons are constantly expanding.

For the most part, I relate it to all else I'm learning and attempting to practice about the principles of the quantum realm of Life. In light of that, I'd say that the article below is interesting, and has it's merits in sharing with us the data from relationships that follow a Newtonion structure. Newton's physics is all about what you can see, and quantify. What you can count and measure. That's why the article will even refer to the 'number' of friends that a person can supposedly have in their Life.

In truth, I would have liked to see the article below entitled, "Falling in Love CAN Cost You Friends", so that we the readers would understand that it's simply a very strong possibility. It's important for folks to know that it doesn't have to lead to that result.

Quantum physics is baffling to science, because it refuses to submit to the those defined perimeters - that something is valid only if it can be measured and counted. And for me, that's where quantum physics - current science- gets close to the realm of the subtle qualities of Life. What some call the 'spiritual.' Paying attention and noticing the invisable aspects of existence, I put them all together, and label them the qualities of the Divine, or Cosmic Consciousness. Some may call it God, Allah, or Universal Force.

Now the article below, describes a phenomena that I'm familiar with. Ususally I attribute what the article talks about to females, but I've seen males exhibit this too. You may remember as a young woman or man, that when your girlfriend, or one of the guys in your posse, got involved with someone special, you no longer saw your friend as frequently. Their new relationship had a magnetic effect on them, and more and more they were pulled away from your companionship or spending time with the group. This is because they were being drawn into a closer union with the object of their affection.

New ways of Being in Love for me, means to balance and sometimes resist this movement to a certain degree. It means to stay centered and grounded in who and what I Am. It means to respect and allow the other person to do the same. Staying grounded in my Life, keeps me from being too swayed out of my orbit, or off my destined path. It means that I still have the benefit and joy of my wholesome habits and those beloved friends, that have been there thru thick and thin, and who know me well. I benefit from their counsel, and they benefit from mine. And with those for which there is a deep affinity, our shared joy, fun and laughter is a priceless gift I would never choose to lose.

In truth, when I meet new friends, I immediately think of how they will enjoy and get along with those that I already love and are a part of my life. For the quantum example again, is one of expanding Universe, expanding wholeness and good. And that means my heart and mind also have to expand, to include this new love, along with the love of those friends that I still walk in harmony with on my life's journey.

How about release? The Cosmic principle of letting go, releasing and eliminating that which is no longer relevant or healthy as a part of who one is today? In friendship and love, this can be painful, or have a sting, but that ususally is because we are again like Newton, afraid of the space that will be left by someone's absence. Our 'clinging, clutching and holding' can often extend discomfort because we are not accepting that something, or someone in our life has run it's course.

What's that old saying about why someone comes into your life? For a Reason, For a Season, or Forever....? That makes so much sense, and gives us permission to not continue to hold on to that which is meant to be released.

Long round about way to introduce this article.....Hope it's made sense....Guess I needed to express the above.

Please receive it with the Love, it flows upon~

Falling in Love Costs you Friends

By Jonathan Amos
15, September 2010
Science correspondent, BBC News

Falling in love comes at the cost of losing two close friends, a study says.

We probably all know that a passionate new relationship can leave you little time for others, but now science has put some numbers on the observation.

Oxford University researchers asked people about their inner core of friendships and how this number changed when romance entered the equation.

They found the core, which numbers about five people, dropped by two as a new lover came to dominate daily life.

"People who are in romantic relationships - instead of having the typical five [individuals] on average, they only have four in that circle," explained Robin Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary anthropology at Oxford.

"And bearing in mind that one of those is the new person that's come into your life, it means you've had to give up two others."

The research, which has only recently been submitted for publication, was presented to the British Science Festival at Aston University.

Professor Dunbar's group studies social networks and how we manage their size and composition.

He has previously shown that the maximum number of friends it is realistically possible to engage is about 150. On the social networking site Facebook, for example, people will typically have 120-130 friends.

This number can be divided into progressively smaller groups, with an inner clique numbering between four and six.

These are people who we see at least once a week; people we go to at moments of crisis. The next layer out are the people we see about once a month - the "sympathy group". They are all the people who, if they died tomorrow, we would miss and be upset about.

In the latest study, the team questioned 540 participants, aged 18 and over, about their relationships and the strain those relationships came under when a new romantic engagement was started.

The results confirmed the widely held view that love can lead to a smaller support network, with typically one family member and one friend being pushed out to accommodate the new lover.

"The intimacy of a relationship - your emotional engagement with it - correlates very tightly with the frequency of your interactions with those individuals," observed Professor Dunbar.
"If you don't see people, the emotional engagement starts to drop off, and quickly.

"What I suspect happens is that your attention is so wholly focussed on your romantic partner that you just don't get to see the other folks you have a lot to do with, and therefore some of those relationships just start to deteriorate and drop down into the layer below."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton looks on as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, right, and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands as she hosts the re-launch of direct negotiations, Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010, at the State Department in Washington.
(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

After a Life in Labor, a Union Leader Retires, Frustrated by the Movement

Anna Burger at an economic meeting during President Obama’s campaign. Ms. Burger is retiring as chairwoman of Change to Win and secretary-treasurer of the service employees’ union.

I am not familiar with Anna Burger's history, policies or style of leadership, but I offer this article because what happens within the labor movement is crucial to the expansion of prosperity within our communities, nation and the entire working world.
I appreciate the issues she raises here, and heartily agree with many of her statements. I too have long been frustrated by the inability of working people to significantly alter and direct their own destiny in the work place, as well as effect the role of business and corporations in our world.

Anna Burger dedicated her life to building the labor movement, but it has nonetheless grown smaller, even during this time of stagnating wages.

By Steven Greenhouse
Published: September 4, 2010

WASHINGTON — After 38 years as a gung ho trade unionist, Anna Burger is retiring — with unmistakable frustration — from her post as the highest-ranking woman in American labor movement history.

Ms. Burger, 59, is frustrated because she has dedicated her adult life to building the labor movement, but it has nonetheless grown smaller and weaker. Beyond stepping down as chairwoman of Change to Win, a federation representing 5 million union members, she is also retiring from her job of 14 years as secretary-treasurer of the powerful Service Employees International Union, representing nearly 2 million janitors, hospital employees and others workers.

Ms. Burger said many women still had far too hard a time balancing job and family. She is also frustrated that union membership continues to shrink even when workers should in theory be flocking into unions during this time of stagnating wages. And the labor-friendly Democratic majorities that unions fought so hard to elect in the House and the Senate could disappear in this November’s elections.

“The labor movement gave me a chance for a better life,” said Ms. Burger, the daughter of a Teamsters truck driver. “I worry whether the labor movement will continue to be able do that for a lot of people.”

Within labor, many critics say that Ms. Burger, like Andy Stern, the former service employees’ president, was a divisive figure. She, like Mr. Stern, is often faulted for fomenting the schism in the A.F.L.-C.I.O. five years ago and for often bragging that the S.E.I.U. is the fastest-growing union with the biggest political war chest.

Ms. Burger, who first joined a union as a social worker in Pennsylvania, boasted, for instance, that were it not for the service employees’ multiyear push, the health care overhaul would never have been enacted.

“We’re the most successful union out there,” she said. “There are times people resent us for that.”

Ms. Burger had campaigned to succeed Mr. Stern after he announced his retirement in April. Viewing Ms. Burger as too top-down, many S.E.I.U. officials rallied behind a union executive vice president and the eventual winner, Mary Kay Henry. Ms. Burger quit the race, but stayed on as No. 2, although it seemed only a matter of time before she stepped down.

Ms. Burger was hazy about her future. She dropped hints that she hoped to land a job that brought unions together with other groups to build a progressive political majority — a vision that clashes with the nation’s recent rightward shift.

“For me,” she said, “there’s an urgency to try to make sure we take advantage of having the best president we’ve had in my lifetime to make this country and make the world work best for everyone.”

Randel K. Johnson, senior vice president for labor policy at the United States Chamber of Commerce, said that Ms. Burger was not going to get her progressive majority, and that it was partly labor’s fault.

“They certainly were successful in electing a more pro-union House and Senate,” Mr. Johnson said. “But their advocacy of the unpopular health care bill will mean losses this November for many House and Senate members who have traditionally supported unions.”

Ms. Burger has been an outspoken member of the president’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. She has urged President Obama to appoint a jobs czar “who would focus on jobs, jobs, jobs” and to adopt an industrial policy to rebuild America’s sagging manufacturing base. She supports establishing a federal infrastructure bank that would spend hugely over the next decade to build roads, bridges and mass transit, creating millions of jobs.

Ms. Burger offered an explanation of why American workers were not rushing to embrace unions despite the tough economic times.

“They’ll flock to unions when they don’t feel so intimidated about supporting a union,” she said. “There’s still a total assault by corporations to stop workers from having unions.”
Many union officials remain bitter that Ms. Burger helped lead the 2005 split in the A.F.L.-C.I.O., which many say embarrassed and weakened labor.

Ms. Burger is unrepentant. “I don’t have any second thoughts,” she said, asserting that the A.F.L.-C.I.O. had lacked energy and vision.

She said that forming the breakaway federation fueled more union organizing by the Teamsters, for instance, among port truck drivers in Los Angeles. She also said that without the creation of Change to Win, Mr. Obama would never have won the presidency. She said that federation’s endorsement of Mr. Obama in April 2008 was pivotal to his defeating Hillary Clinton in several crucial primaries.

Change to Win has fallen far short of its proclaimed goal of organizing 750,000 workers annually. “There hasn’t been the big increase in union membership that they had called for,” said Peter Dreier, a labor expert at Occidental College.

Ms. Burger has often championed women’s causes. She noted that while women were half the work force, they did far more than half the work because they not only work on the job, but do most of the cooking, cleaning and child-rearing at home.

“We have not developed public policies that support working women the way we should,” she said. “When women can be forced to work mandatory overtime when they have children at home and don’t have access to child care, that’s a huge problem.

“We’re still lacking a lot of support mechanisms for women,” she added. “We’re the only industrial nation that doesn’t have paid maternity leave. Many businesses haven’t stepped up, so the government needs to.”


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