Saturday, October 10, 2009

Foraminifera Bringing Climate Message from the Past

You know I try to not engage in the habit of many Earth loving and Cosmically conscious people, of presenting you with information in an manner that would be alarming and just sensational.

Most of humanity is now aware of the ecological and social effects of the ways some of the Family have lived their lives. It has been a huge source of suffering, and a burden for all of us for a long time.

Finally, our Mother, the Earth is speaking out for us....

I find this turn of events really interesting, and quite lovely.

Throughout time individuals and groups have stepped out from the masses to call attention to the violent, unwholesome and ignorant ways man has been in relationship with his Earthly relations. Many have considered themselves, "speaking out " for animals, trees, the air and the waters of the planet. This circle of love and protection has also been extended for people, cultures and ways, that the 'march of progess' gobbled up, eradicated and spit out, as it pursued it's ideals based upon deeply erroneous understandings of Life, and the way this whole things works.

A 'blind'/ignorant, stubborn, hellbent, human being is a force of nature.

Tgenius and creative productivity of women and men have been diverted to the service of maintaining the dominance and power of these mindless, ignorant and selfish people, so that as they have all along, they could continue to poison, destroy and kill in the pursuit of profit and possessions. And all the while, their ears closed to the bidding of others for them to stop and consider other ways.

In my Book of Wonders....what we are seeing now as an ecological response, is the power of the feminine in full force. The duality of the Natural world is being demonstrated as the benevolence of Mother Nature who has given us every good thing to exist, now shows us in full force, her displeasure with our abuses. We are witnessing the power of the feminine to give Life, nurturance, be beauty and gentle, but know what they say about a woman scorned. Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned. (Do they say that? I think they say that...).

So this is the Mother, speaking up for her children ---all the species, that have been ignored, that are being murdered, imprisoned, decimated, driven extinct. It's as if she's saying...."As if the examples of all the diverse species living in harmony was not enough, I gave you loving intelligent, sensitive, articulate people that could simply and clearly tell you what you have been doing. You would not listen to them. Now you will hear me!"

And so, I present to you this article below which describes the latest scientific findings on the issue of the current (political) path we are marching on, to hopefully, save ourselves as a species. The bottom line ~ we are still taking using, abusing too much. We're still not willing to be adult, about this situation. We are still like spoiled children that want what we want and that's all there is to it. We are not being still or conservative enough.

Obama Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

I present this one day after the announcement that President Obama is this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner. One of the reasons the nominating committee is honoring him with the award, directly relates to the subject of this article. They lauded the change in global mood wrought by Obama's calls for peace and cooperation, and praised his pledges to reduce the world stock of nuclear arms, ease U.S. conflicts with Muslim nations and strengthen its role in combating climate change.

Please read the article in it's entirety, so that you can be one of those voices, that today, speaks for all the species of the Earth. Please do your part to say that we need to do even MORE, and be one of those that takes the steps to do so.

In my opinion, MAN is Earth's most harmful invasive species.

In our consciousness, we must release old ideas that domination of other Life forms and their exploitation is correct and appropriate. We have got to start to imagine and feel our way into knowing that we are connected to every Life form on the planet.

We must ask INwardly, to feel how we lovingly and joyfully fit in with all Life on the Planet. Because if we can feel that, our whole way of seeing and acting will change. We must, close our eyes and ears to society's drum beat, and the cheerleader's promptings. Because sometimes, someone up on the soapbox that talks loudly, may appear to be offering ideas we should follow. But what's critical at this point in history is realizing that we have accepted centuries of programming that directs us NOT to THINK DEEPLY for ourselves.

We let television and news producers, religious leaders, politicians, patricians (social and wealthy elite), celebrities, academics.... we let anyone and everyone...think for us and lead us!!!

When each of us has a Divine Indwelling aspect that is our part of the Whole of Life. This aspect loves us and will always inform us in ways to keep us in harmony with the Whole of Life....if we will listen..... (my Goodness I'm going on here...Forgive me Please! Let them get to the article Candy!) Taking time to be still and listen inwardly, we will hear clearly, our own highest guidance, that only is for good of All.

We must step back, and with bigger steps to be even less harmful in our presence here on Earth. I am moved to be more vigilant in my efforts to be humble and grateful, so that I/we can blend, ....and harmonize ourselves, our families, communities and our species with the Life ~ The One Life, that we All really simply are ~ of this wonderful planet.

loveu and appreciate you much~

'Scary' climate message from past

By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website

A new historical record of carbon dioxide levels suggests current political targets on climate may be "playing with fire", scientists say.

Researchers used ocean sediments to plot CO2 levels back 20 million years.

Levels similar to those now commonly regarded as adequate to tackle climate change were associated with sea levels 25-40m (80-130 ft) higher than today.

Scientists write in the journal Science that this extends knowledge of the link between CO2 and climate back in time.

The last 800,000 years have been mapped relatively well from ice cores drilled in Antarctica, where historical temperatures and atmospheric content have left a series of chemical clues in the layers of ice.

But looking back further has been more problematic; and the new record contains much more precise estimates of historical records than have been available before for the 20 million year timeframe.

Sustained levels
The new research was able to look back to the Miocene period, which began a little over 20 million years ago.

At the start of the period, carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere stood at about 400 parts per million (ppm) before beginning to decline about 14 million years ago - a trend that eventually led to formation of the Antarctic icecap and perennial sea ice cover in the Arctic.
“ If anyone still doubts the link between CO2 and climate, they should read this paper ” Jonathan Overpeck University of Arizona

The high concentrations were probably sustained by prolonged volcanic activity in what is now the Columbia River basin of North America, where rock formations called flood basalts relate a history of molten rock flowing routinely onto the planet's surface.

In the intervening millennia, CO2 concentrations have been much lower; in the last few million years they cycled between 180ppm and 280ppm in rhythm with the sequence of ice ages and warmer interglacial periods.

Now, humanity's emissions of greenhouse gases are pushing towards the 400ppm range, which will very likely be reached within a decade.

"What we have shown is that in the last period when CO2 levels were sustained at levels close to where they are today, there was no icecap on Antarctica and sea levels were 25-40m higher," said research leader Aradhna Tripati from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
"At CO2 levels that are sustained at or near modern day values, you don't need to have a major change in CO2 levels to get major changes in ice sheets," she told BBC News.
The elevated CO2 and sea levels were associated with temperatures about 3-6C (5-11F) higher than today.

No doubting
The data comes from the ratios of boron and calcium in the shells of tiny marine organisms called foraminifera.

The ratio indicates the pH of sea water at the time the organisms grew, which in turn allows scientists to calculate the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere.

The shell fragments came from cores drilled from the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
According to Jonathan Overpeck, who co-chaired the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) work on ancient climates for the organisation's last major report in 2007, this provides a more accurate look at how past CO2 values relate to climate than previous methods.
"This is yet another paper that makes the future look more scary than previously thought by many," said the University of Arizona scientist.

"If anyone still doubts the link between CO2 and climate, they should read this paper."

The new research does not imply that reaching CO2 levels this high would definitely result in huge sea level changes, or that these would happen quickly, Dr Tripati pointed out - just that sustaining such levels on a long timescale might produce such changes.

"There aren't any perfect analogies in the past for climate change today or in the future," she said.

"We can say that we've identified past tipping points for ice sheet stability; the basic physics governing ice sheets that we've known from ice cores are extended further back, and... I think we should use our knowledge of the physics of climate change in the past to prepare for the future."

Averting danger
At the Rio Earth Summit of 1992, governments pledged to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations "at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system".

What that level is has been the subject of intense debate down the years; but one figure currently receiving a lot of support is 450ppm.

On Tuesday, for example, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released its prescription for tackling climate change, which sees concentrations of greenhouse gases peaking at the equivalent of 510ppm of CO2 before stabilising at 450ppm.

The Boxer-Kerry Bill, which has just entered the US Senate, also cites the 450 figure.

"Trouble is, we don't know where the critical CO2 or temperature threshold is beyond which ice sheet collapse is inevitable," said Dr Overpeck.

"It could be below 450ppm, but it is more likely higher - not necessarily a lot higher - than 450ppm.
"But what this new work suggests is that... efforts to stabilise at 450ppm should avoid going up above that level prior to stabilisation - that is, some sort of 'overshoot' above 450ppm on the way to stabilisation could be playing with fire."

Because of concerns about short-term sea level rise, the Association of Small Island States (Aosis), which includes low-lying countries such as The Maldives, Palau and Grenada, is pushing for adoption of the much lower figure of 350ppm.

But with concentrations already substantially higher, political support for that is scanty outside Aosis members.
Story from BBC NEWS: 2009/10/10 12:02:15 GMT© BBC MMIX

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