This is an enhanced version of a process noted in yesterday's blog. I was discussing how as members of a group, we can begin to bring our best to the gathering, to insure that the outcome of the goal or task, is realized - manifested - at it's highest potential.
Cosmic Consciousness is living, and constantly offering us insight, thus I awoke this morning, and realized there are other tools I include in my daily spiritual work, that are integral to the wonderful experience and world of revelations that I live within. Please give this a read again, to check out what's been added.
One other thing ~ I'm sharing some of the tools that assist and support me. I know you have a juju bag full of practices, incantations and special rituals, that keep you 'connected'. Send in any insights, practices, texts, etc. that have been effective for you, and I'll share them here also. There are many paths, as they say. I'm only encouraging myself and you too, to intensify our use of that which keeps us whole and fulfilled.
I also encourage us to expand our ideas of what's possible for us right now, and to really go 100% for our True and Highest dreams. In doing so, we will simply be aligning ourselves with Cosmic Will, which is always about greater expression and expansion.
And guess what?!? That demonstration of greater expression and expansion of Good, of love and harmony, prosperity, of material wealth, health, beauty and joy can only be done ~ be manifested ~ through and as our individual lives.
Now ain't that some 'Good Knewz!'
Have Fun!
First prepare yourselves with as much time as you can afford,
simply relaxing in the Silence and stillness.
Bring the power of sound into the moment by reciting your chants, mantras, words of power and affirmations. Even reading out loud, from a text that you value stirs the ethers and sound waves with the force of our life's determination.
Utter your heartfelt prayer.
(I speak mine in the past tense, from a feeling of Gratitude that 'It is already done', and I now see it manifested in my world).
Go back into the silence for meditation and contemplation, and t
Receive from Divine Mind.
Come together to share with and listen to one another.
Return to the Silence to be still and meditate, letting what you have heard percolate within.
Now with your Pearls of Genius and Wisdom, return to the group to Create.
Let us Give Birth to that which has come forth from our Highest Selves.
This process I'm describing supports one's alignment with the pulse of Life. It's evident all around us, but we are not usually attunded to it, and thus we don't notice this fundamental pattern. The pattern is one of opening and closing, coming together and going back outward.
It is expressed in the rising and the setting of the sun, the opening and closing of our eyes, or a flower's bloom, the inhalation and exhaling motion of our lungs and our breathing, and the inward and outward flow of the tide.
We offer ourselves to the Divine within us, by pulling away from talk, entertainment, and society's distractions of issues and problems. We retreat to the quiet to achieve clarity and calm.
In the Silence, there are real and deep, subtle gifts.
Our time spent in Silence cleanses our thoughts and ideas, and centers and grounds us, so that at the time for us to return to society, to our families and groups, we bring back the best of ourselves.
We have been made more solid from the Good of our Inner Core. We have something of value to offer, not just chatter, noise pollution, or common ideas from the collective sea of mental garbage, that comprises most human conversation.
For a moment, we have given ourselves to Cosmic Consciousness/God, and this expands us beyond the ideas of common perception.
Friday, January 9, 2009
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Written & published
March 21
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