I wanted to share this from my friend in DC. She's on the right with 17 layers of clothes and white hair!

Date: Monday, January 19, 2009, 5:49 AM
Hey y'all,
I went to the Inaugural concert yesterday. It was WONDERFUL!!! The spirit is extraordinary. There were hundreds of thousands of people, and everyone was smiling, laughing and breathing the air. Then we cried. Then we laughed. Then we sang. Then... Amazing! Fabulous. Fantastic. And I wasn't cold.
More later.
Il sends this report:
Monday, January 19, 2009 1:06 PM
We're in DC for the inaugural. It's not too cold, but one still needs thermals to stand for an length of time. Don't try to eat anywhere good ...it's not even Tuesday yet and the crowds are building. 1-2 + hours wait time for anything. Of course there's always KF(cruelty)C or Starbucks or McDonalds for a quick meal. Count me out. We've been cooking at H's and Cg's. The subway works fine so far but, again, it's not Tuesday yet. They've just closed certain parts of the City getting ready for the onslaught. I don't know how G talked me into this, but I'm suffering what there is to suffer and enjoying what there is to enjoy!
We missed the big free concert because we couldn't move fast enough to get down there, but we saw some of it on TV. I'll probably order the video later.
We're going out to Tacoma Park tonight to celebrate G's Uncle's birthday. Hope we can get to the inaugural tomorrow. It's going to be a mess, but anything for G ( and our new President and direction!!).
Wish us well ..
Love you
P.S. I'll wave to you. I'll be the second one on the left from the bottom row ...right next to the monument close to the Capital in the crowd of two million+ people . You'll recognize me because I'll be the one with the Obama hat and shirt.
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