Tuesday, January 27, 2009

DR Congo Gorilla Numbers up 12.5% ~Wonderful Knewz!!!

If you've been reading the blog for a while, then you know that I'm passionate about animals. I am particularly enamored with our primate relatives. I have a few posts here focused on the big apes, the gorillas of Virunga National Park, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Their habitate region has been the site of the battles between the rebels, government and militia armies for the past several years.

Both the human and the animal populations have suffered greatly, but last week Laurent Nkunda, a key leader in the conflicts was arrested. In an immediate complete turnaround, Rwanda and Congo, along with some of the militias all previously deadly enemies began to work together to restore order in the affected regions. So it appears that not just our part of the globe is looking forward with great anticipation and hope for greater peace on the planet.
For 'on the ground details', once you've read the article below, click on the link, for the latest diary entry of 10 year veteran Park Ranger, Innocent, who is responsible for gorilla monitoring in the Mikeno Sector. Innocent has done a superb job of keeping the world informed and also involved in what transpires on a regular basis with the gorilla families, the orphans that are hand raised, the rangers and their families, and the villages of the greater community.

DR Congo gorilla numbers up 12.5%

By Mark Kinver Science and environment reporter, BBC News

The population of mountain gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo's Virunga National Park has risen by 12.5%, a census shows.
It revealed that 81 gorillas were now living permanently inside the park.
In total, about 211 of the great apes were estimated to be currently residing in Africa's oldest national park.
It is the first census to be completed by the park's wildlife rangers since rebel troops seized control of the area in August 2007.
More than 50 rangers from the Congolese Wildlife Authority (ICCN) conducted more than 128 patrols during the eight-week census.

'Wonderful news'

"Mountain gorilla family structures change with each birth, death, interaction and migration," explained ICCN gorilla monitoring head Innocent Mburanumwe, who writes a regular "gorilla diary" for the BBC News website.

"The Kabirizi family, our largest gorilla group with 33 individuals, has five newborns which is wonderful news," he revealed.
"But we are still hoping to locate the two gorillas from this same family that we have not yet seen."

During the 16-month period from August 2007 until January 2009, 10 baby gorillas were born into four of the habituated families.
However, three gorillas that had been previously identified in the August 2007 census have not been found and are listed as missing.
Trackers are able to identify individual gorillas because each animal's nose is uniquely patterned.
Significantly, no evidence of gorilla mortality was reported by the rangers, but they did discover and remove 536 snares laid by poachers.

"The status of Virunga's Mountain Gorillas is a triumph for conservation," said Emmanuel de Merode, Virunga National Park's director.

"It is the product of 15 years' effort and sacrifice on the part of Congo's rangers, (and the result) of the consistent support from international organisations and individuals, and of the sustained determination of three African nations to protect this globally important species," he added.
Mountain gorillas are listed as Critically Endangered, with only 720 remaining in the world.
About 380 of the animals are located in the Virunga Volcanoes Conservation Area (shared by DR Congo, Rwanda and Uganda), while a further 320 gorillas live in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda.

In recent years, the region has been gripped by conflict and civil war. Since August 2007, the gorilla sector of the national park has been under the control of rebel forces.
Until recently, officials had not been able to enter the area, and many of the 1,100 rangers had to flee to safety with their families.

Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/science/nature/7852953.stmPublished: 2009/01/27 09:38:00 GMT© BBC MMIX

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What a Day! What the experience was like.....

One Inauguration experience~

Subject: What a Day!
Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 10:55 AM

Hey y'all, I did it. I made it.

It was an beautiful experience.
I couldn't half see or hear, but it was truly earthshaking. People screamed, laughed, cried, hugged, cried.... The crowds were humongous but everyone was OK with it. There was confusion, way too many people, and we just shook it off. I couldn't even get to my ticketed section after standing in line for 5 hours. So what. We were witnessing the history we had worked for.

I and I got there about 5:30 am and there were already hundreds of thousands of people. She headed toward her section and I headed toward mine to meet my boss and company. I was sent in the wrong direction, back in the wrong direction, smehwere else in the wrong direction (that was about 2 extra miles of walking).

When I finally got to the right line (which was in an underground freeway tunnel that had been closed to traffic), it was about 6:30 am. Some man joined me in leading cheers, screams, songs, waves, etc so we wouldn't freeze or think about how long we had been in that damn tunnel. After three hours we deteriorated into singing "Row, Row, Row your Boat".There were only about 1000 people in front of me when I first arrived in the tunnel. By the time we saw daylight at the other end, it was after 11 am. There were at least 10-15,000 people behind me. Then my seating section was closed, so we dashed for another section. The police let us in because they could see that everyone was desperate.

We strained to see through the trees. We listened on radio and at the loudspeakers. Then the 21 gun salute went off and we knew we were in. MY President officially became the United States ' President. It took about 3 hours for me to get back through the security lines, the parade route and the crowds and make my hike back home. Tired and exhausted, and my bad knees killing me, I still couldn't sit still

So I watched the whole ceremony on television again and again.I'm going to send some photos soon, but don't look for award winning photojournalism. I kept getting caught up in the moment and kept forgetting to take photos. So that's my quick update. I wish all of you could have joined me. I really do a fairly good imitation of the Village People's YMCA!!!

Love you!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Be There, from Here

I'm not going to Washington.
But already, I'm receiving emails from friends and their friends and family that are attending the inauguration. So I've decided to share their emails with you, so that we can get our own first hand reports of this prodigious occasion.
From Gale~

I wanted to share this from my friend in DC. She's on the right with 17 layers of clothes and white hair!

Date: Monday, January 19, 2009, 5:49 AM

Hey y'all,

I went to the Inaugural concert yesterday. It was WONDERFUL!!! The spirit is extraordinary. There were hundreds of thousands of people, and everyone was smiling, laughing and breathing the air. Then we cried. Then we laughed. Then we sang. Then... Amazing! Fabulous. Fantastic. And I wasn't cold.

More later.


Il sends this report:

Monday, January 19, 2009 1:06 PM

We're in DC for the inaugural. It's not too cold, but one still needs thermals to stand for an length of time. Don't try to eat anywhere good ...it's not even Tuesday yet and the crowds are building. 1-2 + hours wait time for anything. Of course there's always KF(cruelty)C or Starbucks or McDonalds for a quick meal. Count me out. We've been cooking at H's and Cg's. The subway works fine so far but, again, it's not Tuesday yet. They've just closed certain parts of the City getting ready for the onslaught. I don't know how G talked me into this, but I'm suffering what there is to suffer and enjoying what there is to enjoy!

We missed the big free concert because we couldn't move fast enough to get down there, but we saw some of it on TV. I'll probably order the video later.

We're going out to Tacoma Park tonight to celebrate G's Uncle's birthday. Hope we can get to the inaugural tomorrow. It's going to be a mess, but anything for G ( and our new President and direction!!).

Wish us well ..

Love you


P.S. I'll wave to you. I'll be the second one on the left from the bottom row ...right next to the monument close to the Capital in the crowd of two million+ people . You'll recognize me because I'll be the one with the Obama hat and shirt.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Synchronistically in tune with the Universe

Though a dear old friend loves this blog, he recently chided me for all the heavy seriousness I've been throwing down. I never meant to leave that impression, but I appreciate his comments. I never know how I'm coming off, or sounding to you, unless you give me some feedback. Here I thought I was balencing some of the less pleasant realities I observe, with being inspirational.
My friend, however, wants more laughter in his life, and hey! I'm all for that!!!

Mystically, he even caused me to remember that I AM a Certified LaughterYoga Leader.

Il's comment read:
"..........But all in all, it was a nice piece and I enjoyed reading it... even though I was left with several different directions I could go in at the same time! Hey, what happened to laughing at shit!!?? Are you still in that mode, or have you gone on to more serious endeavors! I want to, personally, laugh because sometimes that's all you really can do.

Hey, don't get your seat at the table? Laugh. Uncontrollable bombings and murder around the world? Laugh. Strange goings-on in upper levels of government? Laugh.

Look, if you're not going to kill yourself trying to save all the worlds ills, the best you can do is try to be happy with what you can do (and laugh about) from your own personal corner of the universe.

Keep up the great inspirational work lovely lady. You've got my vote."

Well if that wasn't enough of a wake-call, today I received the notice below from another close friend.
So okay, ya'll.....I get it.

Lighten up Kentke!!!

I will work harder to keep you smiling, seriously informed, and tickled silly.
Thanks for the reminding me that we do our best work when we're happy, laughing and joyfully engaged.

Here's Aaliyah's notice to 'inaugurate' this year of triumphant festivities.

Did you hear the one about PBS airing a comedy series? It’s no joke, but it
is funny.

In January 2009, PBS will present the series MAKE ’EM LAUGH: The Funny
Business of America, a six-hour comedy epic showcasing the most hilarious men,
women, and moments in American entertainment and why they made us laugh.
If you're interested in watching or recording, this is the site:


Friday, January 9, 2009

Now is the Time for Manifestion.

This is an enhanced version of a process noted in yesterday's blog. I was discussing how as members of a group, we can begin to bring our best to the gathering, to insure that the outcome of the goal or task, is realized - manifested - at it's highest potential.

Cosmic Consciousness is living, and constantly offering us insight, thus I awoke this morning, and realized there are other tools I include in my daily spiritual work, that are integral to the wonderful experience and world of revelations that I live within. Please give this a read again, to check out what's been added.

One other thing ~ I'm sharing some of the tools that assist and support me. I know you have a juju bag full of practices, incantations and special rituals, that keep you 'connected'. Send in any insights, practices, texts, etc. that have been effective for you, and I'll share them here also. There are many paths, as they say. I'm only encouraging myself and you too, to intensify our use of that which keeps us whole and fulfilled.

I also encourage us to expand our ideas of what's possible for us right now, and to really go 100% for our True and Highest dreams. In doing so, we will simply be aligning ourselves with Cosmic Will, which is always about greater expression and expansion.

And guess what?!? That demonstration of greater expression and expansion of Good, of love and harmony, prosperity, of material wealth, health, beauty and joy can only be done ~ be manifested ~ through and as our individual lives.

Now ain't that some 'Good Knewz!'

Have Fun!

First prepare yourselves with as much time as you can afford,
simply relaxing in the Silence and stillness.

Bring the power of sound into the moment by reciting your chants, mantras, words of power and affirmations. Even reading out loud, from a text that you value stirs the ethers and sound waves with the force of our life's determination.

Utter your heartfelt prayer.
(I speak mine in the past tense, from a feeling of Gratitude that 'It is already done', and I now see it manifested in my world).

Go back into the silence for meditation and contemplation, and t
Receive from Divine Mind.


Come together to share with and listen to one another.

Return to the Silence to be still and meditate, letting what you have heard percolate within.

Now with your Pearls of Genius and Wisdom, return to the group to Create.

Let us Give Birth to that which has come forth from our Highest Selves.

This process I'm describing supports one's alignment with the pulse of Life. It's evident all around us, but we are not usually attunded to it, and thus we don't notice this fundamental pattern. The pattern is one of opening and closing, coming together and going back outward.

It is expressed in the rising and the setting of the sun, the opening and closing of our eyes, or a flower's bloom, the inhalation and exhaling motion of our lungs and our breathing, and the inward and outward flow of the tide.

We offer ourselves to the Divine within us, by pulling away from talk, entertainment, and society's distractions of issues and problems. We retreat to the quiet to achieve clarity and calm.

In the Silence, there are real and deep, subtle gifts.

Our time spent in Silence cleanses our thoughts and ideas, and centers and grounds us, so that at the time for us to return to society, to our families and groups, we bring back the best of ourselves.

We have been made more solid from the Good of our Inner Core. We have something of value to offer, not just chatter, noise pollution, or common ideas from the collective sea of mental garbage, that comprises most human conversation.

For a moment, we have given ourselves to Cosmic Consciousness/God, and this expands us beyond the ideas of common perception.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome to your Life 2009!

Dear Friends~

Below is a message from the organization led by Van Jones, who has a best selling book and has been in the forefront of including urban communities in the Green Revolution for years. Green For All, and the Ella Baker Center are two organizations I think you will find in affinity with many of your feelings about ecology, social justice and the discussions around the national priorities America pursues.

If you already are involved with groups addressing these issues, but if everyone in the group looks and thinks just like you, or is a product of the same, class, income brackett, and culture as you, Green For All and the Ella Baker Center offer opportunities to share ideas, and build a common understanding, with people from other ethnicities, generations, religious leanings, and economic realities. These are two groups made up of all types of people, all working with a common focus, on goals that concern us all.

I'm personally at the point in my consciousness, where if I'm in a room where we're discussing or learning about issues and topics, that are relevant to all human beings, but I'm the only person of color, or obviously not of WASP or Jewish background....a little alarm goes off in my head, and alerts me, that there's something wrong with this picture. Why am I the only person here of African descent, getting this great information? Why aren't these folks inviting their friends of different bacgrounds to gatherings like this, so that the discussion, is not just 'white people talking to white people', which could only be a partial expression of Truth.

For too long we have all been missing out on the richness of a whole truth, because of lack of inclusion from all segments of humanity. Even worse is the absence of Mutual Respect, as in real consideration, attention and, full respect for the ideas, concepts and solutions offered, that have been offered from those not of the dominant culture. Too often in group situations, I've noticed a subtle, but sometimes blatent paternal quick dismissal of a suggestion or comment, rather than an effort to take it in, expand one's mind and capture a new possibility, and a different way of seeing.

It's time to pull up more chairs to
The Conference Table where decisions are discussed and made. And if there aren't enough chairs, push them back, and let's all get up and move outside, where there is enough space for all to sit, and 'reason' ( as the Rastas say).

If we could requalify our energy enough, perhaps the animals would come close and join us.....the Earth's Master Teachers.

Then perhaps we could get somewhere with this mess, created by those that commandeered the seats at
The Table. We are called to lovingly and intelligently turn our genius and talents to this current state, of a Perfect Earth, humanly made imperfect, which they have left for us to put things back aright.

You know who we are. You know if I'm calling your name. We are a group that is beyond a social scientists' definition of multicultural, or diversity. We know that there is no national alliegience that preceeds our cosmic bond, and that age and gender are just aspects and stages we play within. We are more like dogs, than people, in how a chihuahua, can still recognize it's genus in a german shepherd. They both know they are canine, and the markings, and size mean nothing to the essential quality of the animal. Quite unlike people that excell at creating ridiculous categories and systems to implement limitation, separation and control amongst their group. Such folly and ignorance.....

I'm calling those of us that have always cared,
always known how,
always possessed the means and understanding,
because we've always had the vision~

Now is the time to bring it into manifestion.

Prepare yourselves with Silence and stillness.
Bring the power of sound into the moment by reciting your chants, mantras, words of power and affirmations.
Utter your heartfelt prayer.
(I speak mine in the past tense, from a feeling of Gratitude that 'It is already done', and I now see manifested it in my world).
Go back into the silence for meditation and contemplation,
and to receive from Divine Mind.
Let's come together to share with and listen to one another.

Return to the Silence to be still and meditate, letting what you have heard percolate within.
Now with your Pearls of Genius and Wisdom, return to the group to Create.
Let us Give Birth to that which has come forth from our Highest Selves.

This process I'm describing supports one's alignment with the pulse of Life. It's evident all around us, but we are not usually attunded to it, and thus we don't notice this fundamental pattern. It is expressed in the rising and the setting of the sun, the opening and closing of our eyes, or a flower's bloom, the inhalation and exhaling motion of our lungs and our breathing, and the inward and outward flow of the tide.

We offer ourselves to the Divine within us, by pulling away from talk, entertainment, and society's distractions of issues and problems. We retreat to the quiet to achieve clarity and calm. In the Silence, there are real and deep, subtle gifts. Our time spent in Silence cleanses our thoughts and ideas, and centers and grounds us, so that at the time for us to return to society, to our families and groups, we bring back the best of ourselves. We have been made more solid from the Good of our Inner Core. We have something of value to offer, not just chatter, noise pollution, or common ideas from the collective sea of mental garbage, that comprises most human conversation.

For a moment, we have given ourselves to Cosmic Consciousness/God, and this expands us beyond the ideas of common perception.

.....you must know, that I did not mean to go on like this. But it has been a long time since I wrote. It's a New Year, and I am so full of the possibilities that are present right now. I'm off to a great start, and I want to do all I can to insure that you are too~
This is an awesome year for us if we take bold steps to live our True Identity.
Have Fun Beloveds~

Happy New Year!

Next month, thousands of people will converge on Washington, D.C for two major events to build the movement for a new green economy: Good Jobs, Green Jobs and Power Shift 2009.
In February, D.C. will be buzzing with activity as President Obama and the new Congress move quickly to implement much-needed change. This is a critical time for us to advance key policies that will green the economy and create millions of jobs.We can make an impact together, and begin implementing real solutions on a mass scale. Please join us for Good Jobs, Green Jobs and Power Shift 2009.If you can't come to D.C., you can still make your voice heard on the Hill: Tell Congress to Green the Stimulus. If you've already sent this letter to your members of Congress, please pass it along to 5 people.
Good Jobs, Green Jobs

On February 4th-6th, join Van Jones and the Green For All team in D.C. for the 2009 Good Jobs, Green Jobs National Conference, hosted by the Blue Green Alliance.The conference, which features a Green For All Track, Green Jobs Advocacy Day, and Green Jobs Expo, will be an essential forum to help forge the national agenda for the new green-collar economy.UPDATED AGENDA for the Green For All Track.Good Jobs, Green Jobs is filling up quickly. REGISTER TODAY!Enter "GFA2009" as your registration code.

Power Shift 2009
From February 27th-March 2nd, 10,000 youth will converge on Washington, D.C. to call for immediate federal action on green jobs and a clean energy economy. Power Shift '09 attendees will strengthen the youth movement for climate and economic solutions, by sharing skills, building bonds, and setting clear plans for action in our communities.And on March 2nd, thousands of youth will flood the halls of Congress to meet face to face with their representatives, and ask for their bold leadership on green jobs and a clean, just energy future.Learn more and register.Contact julia@greenforall.org to get involved with Green For All at Power Shift 2009.

Who else will be there?
Omar Freilla, for one. Omar works for Green Worker Cooperatives, which creates and supports worker-owned green businesses in the South Bronx. He will speak on the panel Green For All: Climate Equity & Environmental Justice at Good Jobs, Green Jobs. Watch his story. You can meet with Omar, and many more heroes of the new green economy, in D.C. this February.Register for Good Jobs, Green Jobs.Enter "GFA2009" as your registration code.Register for Power Shift 2009.

So, come to Washington, D.C. next month, and let's build a new green economy together. If you can't make it, be sure to take action now: Tell Congress to Green the Stimulus. And ask your friends to do the same.

Julian Mocine-McQueen
Green For All


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(1) Tuskegee Airmen (1) Twitter hijacked (1) U S History (1) vegan (1) vegetarianism (1) Virunga Park (1) ways to help Africa (1) weak results re: campaign promises (1) wealth in America (1) wholesome food sources (2) wildlife and their habitats (1) Williams sisters (2) Wimbledon (1) wolves (1) women leaders (1) world economy (1) writing (1) Written & published March 21 (1) Xmas 2009 (1) yahoo (1) young Black entrepreneurs (1) Zimbabwe election (1)