As it is above, so it is below~
The following article is deep.
Not only does it reveal new findings about deep space, but it brings to our attention new information about one of the most mysterious, unknown aspects of the Cosmic realm.....Dark Matter, and Dark Energy.
I always seek ways to relate what's happening in the Cosmos to my own little micro-Cosmic Being. And by following discoveries in the heavens, I too have discovered greater freedom, stemming from an acceleration of the expansion of my conscious awareness.
I also find this article interesting because earlier this summer I finished a book entitled, "Why Darkness Matters ~ The Power of Melanin In the Brain". Edited by Edward B. Bynum, Ph.D, Ann C. Brown, Ph.D, Richard D. King, M.D , and T. Owens Moore, Ph.D.

I really appreciate these authors for putting together a work that goes beyond the usual to explain that, "Brain or neuromelanin, however, is an altogether different phenomenon that has less to do with various human prejudices and fears, and more to do with human nervous system functioning, evolutionary unfoldment, and ultimately, (they suggest), consciousness itself."
Neuromelanin is present in all human beings, and indeed, as melanin and neuromelanin are present in higher life forms, (and the 'higher' the level of nervous system development among animals, on through the primates, the higher the amount of neuromelanin found in the cerebral structures) scientist feel that this substance that is paradoxically 'dark' but has a profound 'light' absorbing quality, plays a crucial role which is not yet fully understood, in the complex processes of life.
But not just in matters of skin color and social status, darkness has been on the short end of human understanding for far too long now. Think of the Star Wars stories, with Darth Vadar, and his in to the 'Dark Side'. References as to the negativity of Darkness just never end in our world.
It's about time, that we begin to see the light and the Truth about this marvelous rich phenomena that is the hiding place of the Divine, the source of all Creation,..... and ......who know's what else??????
da shadow do~
Pretty heavy stuff, when you connect it with this article about Dark Matter in the Cosmos......
In the article, I've used a colored font to highlight the descriptions of Dark Matter the scientists have come up with so far.
I wonder what are the correlations that can be drawn from these studies of Dark Matter in the Cosmos? Are there prototypes, templates, influences from up above that permeate everything everywhere and beam down, filtering into our existence? Can we follow threads of intelligent pondering back out into space for explanations of similar phenomena we witness in the natural world here on Earth? How can these new insights stimulate understanding of the self that contribute to a greater relaxing into the Wholeness that is Life?
Beam me up Scotty! I'm ready to go check this out....
Afterall....we are All made of the same stuff as star dust.....
Dark Matter in the Cosmos.....Dark Matter in us~
By Paul Rincon Science reporter, BBC News
Saturday, 30 August 2008 08:29 UK
Striking evidence has been found for the enigmatic "stuff" called dark matter which makes up 23% of the Universe, yet is invisible to our eyes.
Afterall....we are All made of the same stuff as star dust.....
Dark Matter in the Cosmos.....Dark Matter in us~
By Paul Rincon Science reporter, BBC News
Saturday, 30 August 2008 08:29 UK
Striking evidence has been found for the enigmatic "stuff" called dark matter which makes up 23% of the Universe, yet is invisible to our eyes.
The results come from astronomical observations of a titanic collision between two clusters of galaxies 5.7 billion light-years away.
Astronomers detected the dark matter because it separated from the normal matter during the cosmic smash-up.
The research team are to publish their findings in the Astrophysical Journal.
They used the Hubble and Chandra space telescopes to study the object MACSJ0025.4-1222 - formed after an incredibly energetic collision between two large galaxy clusters.
Each of these large clusters contains about a quadrillion times the mass of our Sun.
A technique known as gravitational lensing was used to map the dark matter with Hubble.
If an observer looks at a distant galaxy and some dark matter lies in between, the light from that galaxy gets distorted. It looks as if it is being seen through lots of little lenses. And each of these lenses represents a piece of dark matter.
Astronomers used the Chandra X-ray telescope to map ordinary matter in the merging clusters, mostly in the form of hot gas, which glows brightly in X-rays.
As the two clusters that formed MACSJ0025 merged at speeds of millions of kilometres per hour, hot gas in the two clusters collided and slowed down.
However, the dark matter kept on going, passing right through the smash-up.
Speeding Bullet
This phenomenon has been seen before, in a structure called the Bullet Cluster - which also formed after the collision of two large galaxy clusters. The Bullet Cluster lies closer to Earth, at a distance of 3.4 billion light-years.
"It puts to rest all the worries that the Bullet Cluster was an anomalous case. We have gone out and found another one," co-author Richard Massey, from the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, told BBC News.
The study sheds light on the properties of dark matter.
The fact that dark matter does not slow down in the collision supports a view that dark matter particles interact with each other only very weakly or not at all (when one excludes their gravitational interaction).
"Dark matter makes up five times more matter in the Universe than ordinary matter," said co-author Marusa Bradac, from the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB).
"This study confirms that we are dealing with a very different kind of matter, unlike the matter that we are made of. And we're able to study it in a very powerful collision of two clusters of galaxies."
Larger sample
The latest astronomical observations suggest that dark matter makes up some 23% of the Universe. Ordinary matter - such as the galaxies, gas, stars and planets - makes up just 4%.
The remaining 73% is made up of another mysterious quantity; dark energy, which is responsible for speeding up the expansion of the cosmos.
sub-atomic "stuff" known as Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPS).
Others hold that the dark substance consists of everyday matter, rather than some elusive sub-atomic particle. However, this ordinary matter, referred to as Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects (MACHOS), happens to radiate little or no light.
A powerful physics experiment, the Large Hadron Collider, situated on the French-Swiss border, could shed further light on this question after it begins operating later this year.
Dr Massey said his team had found other candidates for colliding clusters.
"Ideally, we don't want just one or two, we want lots of these things to really study them statistically," he explained.
"Then we either use the whole lot, or pick out one 'golden bullet' which will provide the best constraints on what dark matter is."
The Hubble Space Telescope failed just after the team had taken their image of MACSJ0025, so they have not yet been able to study these other candidates.
Dr Massey said the astronomers hope to do this after the next Hubble servicing mission with the space shuttle, which is due to launch in October 2008.
Thought I was done....checked my home page, and found this for you~
Yes...more science.
And only 'High Science'.
As in The latest, the highest understanding and processes. The Universe unraveling right in your hands, what was muddy becoming clear. Right before your eyes, within your mind, thru the intelligence of your loving Heart---All so you can work your magic ~ or ~ the Magic can work thru you!
Everybody has the Magic within, so share this with your lovers of hip hop:
This ain't no jive, particle physics rap is a hit
Who says science doesn't turn people on? Kate McAlpine is a rising star on YouTube for her rap performance - about high-energy particle physics.
Her performance has drawn a half-million views so far on YouTube.
The 23-year-old Michigan State University graduate and science writer raps about the Large Hadron Collider, the groundbreaking particle accelerator that has been built in a 17-mile circular tunnel at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland.
McAlpine raps that when the collider goes into operation on Sept. 10, "the things that it discovers will rock you in the head."
The $3.8 billion machine will collide two beams of protons moving at close to the speed of light so scientists can see what particles appear in the resulting debris.
"Rap and physics are culturally miles apart," McAlpine, a science writer at CERN, wrote to the Lansing State Journal in an e-mail last week, "and I find it amusing to try and throw them together."
Others, including physicists, also find it amusing.
"We love the rap, and the science is spot on," said CERN spokesman James Gillies.
McAlpine received permission to film herself and friends dancing in the caverns and tunnels where the experiments will take place.
"I have to confess that I was skeptical when Katie said she wanted to do this, but when I saw her previous science rapping and the lyrics, I was convinced," Gillies said. "I think you'll find pretty close to unanimity among physicists that it's great."
McAlpine honed her physics rapping skills at Michigan State's National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, where she was part of a student research program two years ago.
Information from: Lansing State Journal,
Her performance has drawn a half-million views so far on YouTube.
The 23-year-old Michigan State University graduate and science writer raps about the Large Hadron Collider, the groundbreaking particle accelerator that has been built in a 17-mile circular tunnel at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland.
McAlpine raps that when the collider goes into operation on Sept. 10, "the things that it discovers will rock you in the head."
The $3.8 billion machine will collide two beams of protons moving at close to the speed of light so scientists can see what particles appear in the resulting debris.
"Rap and physics are culturally miles apart," McAlpine, a science writer at CERN, wrote to the Lansing State Journal in an e-mail last week, "and I find it amusing to try and throw them together."
Others, including physicists, also find it amusing.
"We love the rap, and the science is spot on," said CERN spokesman James Gillies.
McAlpine received permission to film herself and friends dancing in the caverns and tunnels where the experiments will take place.
"I have to confess that I was skeptical when Katie said she wanted to do this, but when I saw her previous science rapping and the lyrics, I was convinced," Gillies said. "I think you'll find pretty close to unanimity among physicists that it's great."
McAlpine honed her physics rapping skills at Michigan State's National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, where she was part of a student research program two years ago.
Information from: Lansing State Journal,
I read your last few blogs, especially the ones on dark matter and melanin, they were great. Weaving it all together is the challenge and you do it quite well.