My beautiful Pacific Ocean~
my placid Pacific
An endless sheet of shimmering blue-green smoothness.
Some days, an extraordinary stillness.
Window pane flat, extending as far as my eye can see.
Not a ripple.
Reflecting the sky,
yet another shade of blue
to make certain I know, that there is an expanse
in between....
How I miss you....
my Southern California Coast.
The waters of the San Francisco Bay,
a constant churn from the non-stop running engines
of cargo ships
Emptying their load at the dock, and toxic wastes into the Bay.
Creating choppy dank grey waves,
never feeling the Grace and foaming white curl of my Redondo or Manhattan shores.
Can this be the same Pacific Ocean?
So unappealing these waters.
Robbed of the delight of the spice of my companions,
the schools of dolphin.

Yes!---religiously. Like clockwork.
Showing up in response from the power of my love for them,
Every single time~
Swimming along with me.
Keeping pace with my walk along the coast. Rising above the water, leaping, diving and surfing. Half-moon shaped black slivers, circles of joy,
Confirming for me, my place in the Heart of Cosmic Consciousness.
How could I ever doubt?
Surely, I Am Beloved…
to receive such a personally perfect gift...
Playful dolphins, gorgeous day, my Beloved Pacific.

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