Tomorrow will be the first day of the beloved time of the year called Spring. Even the name given this season reflects the qualities that the Earth will be vibrating with for a while.

Say it slowly and let the sounds the vibration your own mouth and body are making as you speak each consonant and vowel, reverberate thru your Being.
Can you feel how you must inhale, when you slowly and mindfully say the word? It's necessary to inflate your lungs so that you can express the sound out of your body, into the environment.

Getting a bit technical yes. But for good reason. Some of my readers have accused me of "requiring you to have brains to get thru some of what's published here". Well I'm just going to take that as a compliment. When I write, at a fundamental level, I'm assuming that my blog readers and I are alot alike, and I love having my Grey Matter stimulated. Since I know that we're all made out of the same Divine Stuff, that translates to me as, "If I can understand it, so can everybody else."
I truly believe, that it's up to us to be the Functional Consciousness, the active embodiment of Divine Love/Intelligence...God.....Allah,...... Energy, ~ whatever you may call It. Each of us is here to Be the Cosmic Christ, a living Buddha,........ an enlightened Being, co-Creating with Cosmic Mind, so that Life continues to evolve and elevate into realms of unlimited Wholeness, Harmony and whatever else Spirit has in store for us all. Oh, and yes, we are supposed to have fun doing it.
I'm always wanting us to appriopriately utilize our 'grey matter'. Our brains act as The Prime Minister, or Secretary of State, you might say, in the government of our Personal World. The brain serves as the faculty of orchestration and coordination of the will and intention of our true instrument of Conscious awareness/intelligence, and intuitive perfect knowing. That bodily part is our Heart.
In my cosmology the Heart is much much more than an organ pumping blood and keeping inner time for us. The Heart is the homebase of the Eternal within us, the Seat of the Soul, and our most refined instrument of Knowing. Experiencing the Heart as an instrument of Knowing however, must be developed.
Boy did I get off on a tangent here.........Pardonez-Moi. The paragraph from Wikipedia defining the cerebral cortex does tie in with what I want to encourage and promote here. Let me show you how.
Simply put, I'm hoping I'm presenting conditions here that will allow more of us to give in to what is happening in the Cosmos, and in the Body of Life that we exist within, which is our the Mother Earth. It's important that we attune our "memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness" so that we are in harmony with the thrust of energy on our planet. Embracing each aspect of our Life with the qualities of the season means that we can be right in step with the movement of Life that we are first and foremost connected to.
Let me be sure that you understand, I am not referring to the current paranoid ecological pandemic that is hynotizing the masses into maintaining ugly negative visions about the state of the Earth. Now 'I'm not with Dubya' either, in that I'm so stupid as to deny that something is horribly wrong about the way humans have been living, treating one another and other Life forms. What I am saying, is that there is a Reality that exists underneath, through and above all of that. And that Divine Milieu is what I work to stay grounded within.
I want the Freshness of Spring. I court it's Presence in my world. And so I make room for it, by working on letting go of my old ways, so that the New, Fresh, and Best of each moment, has a place to play within my consciousness, and can find expression thru my words and actions.
I even practice physically crouching and springing up, because that type of movement, keeps the areas of my Sweet Fine Body that want to tighten up, loose and limber. I intend to remain flexible, like a new stalk, so that my spine can bend. I relate the symbolique of physical flexibility to my consciousness and 'way of Being in the world' as well. For in order to survive, one must be able to bend, release old unnecessary attachments to embrace new insight that proves valuable and life sustaining.
Spring.......What a gift...........
It's certain that many people just relegate the season to Easter rituals of our religions, and cultural

I pray that we all will continue to utter the mantra each day of this season. And that it's Fresh, new inspiration will fill us each morning, so that we awake, aware that "It's Spring!!!". With this as one of our first thoughts and declarations of the day, and we can move from our beds with an anticipation of the Good of the Day that's been awaiting our awakening.
I pray that just as we delight in the new blossoms, the greening of the landscape, the new births of lambs, calves, birds, and other animal life that is such a reflection of cycles of new beginnings, that we let that perceptual awareness impress us, and guide us. Afterall, plants and animals are our evolutionary parents and therefore our teachers. If the plants are coming alive with an openness, radiating warm, beautiful colors, and the animals are moving and dancing about, and in exploring their world, discovering their legs, and that they not only can walk.....but learn quickly, that they can even run.....then so can we. Revel in your joy to be alive right now. What form will your dance of jubilation take? It's Spring and you're here for the party!

How can we apply the spectacle of Life's lesson, from the Best teacher.....Mother Nature ....to our own human existance?
Recite the mantra~
Pay even more attention to the world of Nature around you. And if it isn't close enough....Go find it. Find a garden, zoo, seek out a Nature Preserve, walk along the shore. Once in these sacred spots, Be Still, Pay Attention, Listen and Watch. Breathe slowly and deeply. En-joy, and with Gratitude for the moment's beauty let yourself feel a Loving Inner Smile
for how wonderful a Creation you are.

And then, after you've taken it all in..........
into the fullness of each moment.
This is the time of Spring.
You are Spring Energy bursting forth upon the Earth.
Easter in Antigua, Guatemala
Hey.........It's Spring Baby...
Peace and Love to All of Us~
Amma's Blessing, Devi Bhava, 2002
All of the animals appearing in this blog were born within the last 5 days, with the exception of the puppy with the heart shaped markings on it's coat. All represent the fresh new energy of Spring 2008.
http://www.pimdesigned.com/philosophy.php - Check out this creative designer that works with plants, fibers and natural objects to "Bring inspiration to Life's surroundings". Great site cause his outlook is so refreshing. Definately click on all the links. He also offers an academy where one can study, work and learn his style of creating and seeing beauty.
Great work. Need to take more time to muse through it more thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful time Easter season is! Ah.......
Thanks for the Easter greeting
ReplyDeleteYes, that is Amitra..she has created so many great institutions in India, Hospitals, universities..etc
I do read your blog..it has great articles..thanks for sharing. Love Carla