I have sent many of you his Freewill Astrology messages thru the years. Rob is quite a unique individual and I consider him a special gift to my radical and unorthodox freedom loving Life.
In the photo of Rob at the column's head I hope that you can make out, that in his left hand extended towards the motorists, he's giving money away. Quite the opposite of today's usual scene at freeway exits, and stop lights. Rob's image moves us to think.
We're so used to the sight of a man or woman obviously going thru hardest of times, with a sign asking for assistance, that if we pulled up beside him, we might not even notice that his sign reads, "Love to Help. Need to Give. Please Take Some Money". He's 'flipped the switch on us'. Rob is well dressed, groomed, and giving it away.
Yep.....definately something my brother, Jesus, the Christ would do.......
So here's one Holiday Greeting from Rob and I, to encourage the fullest expression of Being the Divine, that you Are. May Grace and Joy be your reward, and continually inspire the Blessed seeking, freedom loving, resistence to no-longer-relevant dogma that limits, ....So that pursuit of Love that expands You....... may be your way of Being in the world~
Fundamentalist Christians send me hate mail. Religious zealots in ten cities have banned one of my books. Along with meditation, yoga, and sex for fun, the Vatican has declared astrology, one of my occupations, to be dangerous to your spiritual health.
All of these haters would be shocked if they learned that Jesus Christ is one of the Main High Dudes in my pantheon of gods. They seem to believe that people like me -- goddess-worshiping tantric sufi Qabalist Buddhist pagans who hang around with zen trickster witches and espouse a socialist libertarian political philosophy -- couldn't possibly have an intimate relationship with the cosmic hero they claim to own. They must think they have commandeered the trademark of one of the sweetest avatars in history!
But I do have an intimate relationship with Jesus. How could I not? He was a champion of women's rights, a threat to the established political order, and a radical spiritual activist who worked outside religious institutions. The dude owned nothing and was a passionate advocate for the poor and underprivileged. He was uncompromisingly opposed to violence and war. Besides that, he was a master of love and he devoted his life to serving the Divine Intelligence. I want to be like him when I grow up!
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle," he said, "than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." That's a pretty clear statement of his position towards rightwing accumulators of property and wealth.
"Love your enemies," he said, "do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." How any militarist promoting global arms sales and pre-emptive war could claim an affinity with Jesus is incomprehensible.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Rob's book- PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA:How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings is available for sale at http://tinyurl.com/qaj62To read news and features from the book, go here:http://tinyurl.com/lhwx2
I highly recommend you purchase and read the book. Great reading as you enter 2008. It would be excellent food for thought for the rest of your Life~
Truly do love & appreciate you~
Hi Kentke,
ReplyDeleteI really liked your Christmas message, especially Rob's "HAPPY
BIRTHDAY, JESUS" wisdoms so very well said.
His last paragraph ending in "... is incomprehensible. ..." seems a
statement of separation, however true it may be. Because much of
humanity is doing that kind of incomprehensible, clearly believing in
their righteousness in so doing. Seeking to understand and share the
new wisdom found in that discovering the comprehensible within the
formerly incomprehensible, might be a worthy task for your friend
Rob. To clean up an old garbage pit, one may need to get down in
there and be acquainted with the moldy junk bit by bit in order to
recycle it. Surely our Brother Jesus sought our help in that huge
task. And, then how to keep a freshly scrubbed shiny squeeky clean
intensely interesting earthworld to remain bright and fresh
Jim C