If you caught the post I threw up briefly last week that described my current living environment, then you probably got the gist that I am seeking to relocate. This week I'm on the road in pursuit of 'new places and new faces' where I can see and feel the affinity of my Heart's desires reflected back to me.
Perhaps one might regard the past several months of my Life as an atonement, for past transgressions. For I have definitely broken the laws that have been imposed upon us about what is valuable, what should be held as priorities, how one's time ought to be utilized, and most importantly to me, what or who is The Arbiter of my Choices?......The 'Designer of my Moments' ~ as I put it.
In these months, I have been the recipient of wonderful revelations about my own Being and the world around me. Though for all outward appearance, it has seemed to be a time marked by isolation from activities, ideas and people I cherish, for my normal ways of Being were not just interrupted, but in some instances actually halted. I dreaded the effect seeing the building I live in might have on my sisters, or friends venturing to visit. I have been ashamed of the apparent lack and poverty I lived in.
It took this depth of immersing my Life deeply in an environment of just about Everything that I find existentially displeasing, for me to learn to close my physical senses to it. And in doing so, I began to live as the embodiment of a dialectic awareness. A unity of opposites. A Life characterized by filth, crude ignorance, lack and poverty that I lived in....juxtaposed against the rich fulfilled constantly expanding Life that Lives in me.
And therein is the reason for this play on words.

I know that many watching me thought (and some even said) they expected me to end up in a situation like this. Especially with, my choosing to not 'suit up' and go earn my daily bread "which you know Kentke ...Everybody has to work!!!"

So to some, that I was in such a building was perfect Atonement for my ridiculous sinful way of thinking and choice to not conform.
Little did those folks know how the very same letters in Atonement....just with emphasis placed on my chosen syllables..... have led me to greater At-One-Ment.
Enough for now~
Now....let's see how old you really are.......
Can you join Dale, Roy and I in singing the end of the today's title?
Happy Trails to You ~~~
'til we meet again~
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