Love his fierce integrity.
Love his comfort in being his natural self.
Love his courage and strength in refusing to take on the Catholic Church's usual attachment to lavish props, drama and conspicuous demonstrations of wealth and power.
I really love how he gives his time, and of himself. I'd say that wherever he goes, he seems to spend more time with the less fortunate people of society, than with the rich.
Did I mention how happy his interpretations of Spiritual Truth make me? In particular as he's taken on traditional mores in today's world, the openness he's bringing to his Church and the world is just awesome.
Today, most people no longer listen within themselves for guidance as to how to live their lives, and relate to others in the world. So religious leaders provide that authority ~ which really belongs to the individual and his connection with 'The Divine'~ as to how to define themselves, think, act, and BE.
Pope Francis is especially refreshing after the previous pope's small, tight, dogmatic and forceful enforcement of an outdated perspective and rules, left so many in desperation. The previous pope did not realize that the collective human consciousness has evolved and eclipsed the dogma and limitations he and the leaders of other world religions are still trying to impose on their followers and other human beings.
Pope Francis gets us back on a road that's based enough on respect for nature's order, and encompasses an understanding that as the Universe is expanding, so must humanities' idea of God or as I love to call It, Cosmic Consciousness. And expand too, must our ability to transform into greater loving, kinder creatures. So I feel Pope Francis' value is that he's directing us again to paths that will allow us to realize our potential as living human Beings, that are a part of the oneness of this Earth's life.
I'm going to give him a pass for canonizing that California plantation owner, Junipero Serra, who enslaved and oppressed the indigenous people of my home state. The program and system he put in place, makes him responsible for the genocide of millions of the regions native people. His actions are too questionable, and were a cause of too much pain, for him to be considered a saint.
Back to Pope Francis ~
I love his sweet smile, his matter of fact truth telling, and his humility.
I've also discovered, that I love seeing him laugh.
I'd love to hear it's sound.
Sometimes these formats don't adhere to my layout so be sure to scroll to next post to see all.
Pope Francis Couldn't Stop Laughing as He Blessed a Baby Dressed in a Little Pope Outfit
September 28, 2015
Pope Francis has met a lot of very important and impressive people since he touched down in the U.S. for the first time ever last Tuesday. But his favorite might just be the baby Pope he met on Saturday in Philadelphia.
Pope Francis has met a lot of very important and impressive people since he touched down in the U.S. for the first time ever last Tuesday. But his favorite might just be the baby Pope he met on Saturday in Philadelphia.
When Pope Francis saw her from his popemobile, he immediately burst into laughter and adorably couldn’t stop as he blessed her from afar.
Of course. After all, he’s the cool pope who told us all dogs go to heaven.
one of the pope’s security officials came over and brought Quinn back
to him, where Francis gave her a kiss and whispered a message to the
Quinn’s father, Daniel Madden, said, "He told his security guard to tell us that we have a great sense of humor.”
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