Saturday, January 30, 2010

One Year into the Administration of Barack Obama

Dr. Cornel West and President Barack Obama

.....And everybody is talking.

Well, actually, everyone is beginning to wonder and to question.

The issues I raised some time ago, regarding the depth and power behind Obama's awareness, compassion and intelligence have surfaced in troubling ways for his supporters. What is now coming into focus amongst those that staunchly supported him based upon his declarations of making great changes in the fundamental ways that America operates are questions about whether he can deliver what was promised.
Increasingly, with his battles with the Congress, and the policy shifts from his administration, that are steadily moving away from his campaign rhetoric, we are seeing evidence that force us to question his ability to steer the nation, along the lines of the high values and principles which we believe he holds.

The question is is he strong enough?
Now if Michelle were in the Oval Office, I don't doubt that we would still be on course.
But we're in a situation, where that great attribute of his, to be able to accomodate a wide range of views and objectives, is proving in the moment to be a liabilty. A bit of that 'ol Bush administration's arrogant despotism and attitude of 'not giving a damn what the masses want' might do well to achieve what he and millions of Americans elected him to do.

But we've seen is that he's accomodated the banks, with our money. He's accomodated the insurance and medical industry, with a weak health care reform package, that doesn't do what America needs ---insure that every American has free quality health care. He's still playing caddy to the major multinationals, WTA and the World Bank, as we've got no better trade deals, nor jobs returning home.
Hey?!?!?! What has he done for average American??? What has he done about the core assumptions of this country that have grown more rotten and putrid, because no one has brought them to light to be questioned, excised and discarded.
What do you all think?
What ever you think I really hope you will contact Obama, and his administration and let them know!
I've been receiving emails from his people lately letting me know what he's been doing. I think it's just as important that we, the people continue to give him our feedback, about how he's addressing the issues and concerns that we feel are important. He also really needs to know, when we feel he is NOT addressing things that are important to us. Massive assistance to Haiti is good, and needed. But have we finished doing our best for those displaced by Katrina? Or for communities devastated by the loss of jobs Bush and his friends sent over seas?

Below, Cornel West is letting him know what he thinks about his performance. I agree with the theme of what he's saying here.

Professor Cornel West of Princeton University has a message for the US president as he completes his first year in the White House.

Please click on this link to watch a 3 minute video message. I'd love to know how it resonates with any of your thoughts or feelings about the State of the Union under Barack Obama's administration.

Then read the following article from Foreign Policy In Focus, an online magazine from the Institute for Policy Studies, a multi-issue think tank in Washington, D. C. They employ a nice imagery in trying to bring the conservative and traditional minded Obama into the present using the two James Cameron blockbuster films Titanic and Avatar to exemplify that the world of today is a far different Universe than the one in which Titanic dazzled audiences. Today's world can't be percieved, approached or fixed with systems, 'ism's, and attachments to the ways of the past.

We're into cyberspace Baby! Let's fly!!!
And I don't mean aboard the Titanic or TWA ~~~Beam me up Scottie!
Let me 'Dematerialize and Rematerialize' somewhere else!
It's not about erase, change or fix....Today, somethings we need to Delete!!!
P.S.~Be sure to click the Comments link and read the great ones contributing to this discussion.

Obama's Avatar Moment

World Beat
Tuesday, January 25, 2010Vol. 5, No. 4

One year ago, Barack Obama was elected captain of the Titanic - er, I mean, president of the United States. It's an understandable slip. Last year, the waters seemed to be rising on all sides.

The U.S. economy was in a mess, and the government was rolling in debt. We were involved in quagmires in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as an open-ended "war on terror." Our image in the world was about as low as you could get. And if that wasn't bad enough, because of climate change the waters were quite literally rising all around us.

Many of us were rooting for the new president. But we also had a sneaking suspicion that, like other handsome leading man Leonardo DiCaprio, Obama might go down with the ship.

During the last year, the president rolled up his sleeves and got to work on the ship of state. He went down to the engine room to try to get the economic engine working again. He organized the infirmary staff to provide emergency health care to more of the ship's passengers. He tried to enlist the able-bodied in the necessary jobs of fixing the ship's infrastructure.

Many passengers have taken heart from the hard work of the new, sober captain. But others fear that he's done little more than rearrange the deckchairs. Columnist and economist Paul Krugman, for instance, is "pretty close to giving up on Mr. Obama, who seems determined to confirm every doubt I and others ever had about whether he was ready to fight for what his supporters believed in." And indeed, if you look out the porthole, the situation still looks bleak: economic mess, unprecedented debt, climate change unabated, and that great sucking sound still coming from those quagmires.

Same shipwreck, different captain.

On Wednesday, our captain will address the passengers. Many of us still have that sinking feeling, particularly after the recent election in Massachusetts. What can the captain say to give us hope and believe in change once again?

First things first: The president has to change the metaphor. Titanic was so 1990s. Barack Obama needs a new blockbuster.

At his upcoming State of the Union, as I recently told Eleanor Clift of Newsweek and which she published in Four Ways Obama Can Win Back Liberals, the president needs an Avatar Moment. He can't go with the same old, same old. He has to transform his presidency as profoundly as James Cameron has shaken up the movie industry with his film Avatar. He needs to reenergize his base, get people excited again.

Of course, it would be great if the president borrowed from the themes of Avatar as well. Just imagine if Obama announced that we were closing all overseas military bases because they wreaked havoc on indigenous people, that we were redirecting money from the military into a green economy that could prevent the Earth from becoming a lifeless rock, that we would stop ruthlessly extracting underground resources (unobtainium, oil) regardless of the consequences.

Oops, sorry, I was wearing those rose-colored 3D glasses. When I take them off, I see that Obama never was that radical, alas. Reports of the president's proposed three-year freeze on domestic programs - without touching the Pentagon lockbox - indicate just how Blue Dog he can be. How on earth does he think that such a freeze will get people excited again?

There's still time for Obama to change course. Within the tight navigational limits that he observes, here's what the president could do.

He should take the fear factor away from the tea-baggers by clearly identifying the great threats we face: unemployment, a broken health care system, crumbling infrastructure. He must steal their populist fire by singling out the bankers, insurance company executives, and unresponsive bureaucrats as the obstacles in our way. He must mobilize a wide range of resources - public, private, Pentagon - to address the threats and equalize the burden. He must reorient the debate by being bold, confident, and transformative. The Republicans under Bush didn't need a filibuster-proof Senate majority to run America into an iceberg, and Obama doesn't need one either to keep us all from drowning.

And foreign policy? Most Americans want their country to be a number-one box-office smash: rich, powerful, successful. It's not easy to sell them on modesty and restraint (as Jimmy Carter famously discovered). The president should at least focus on the Oscars that matter - best economy, best health care system, best environmental standards - rather than the dubious honors of heftiest military spending or number of overseas bases. It's not only Americans who worry about the health of this country. Billions of people who didn't vote in the U.S. elections are nonetheless affected by U.S. policies. They, too, have hopes and want change. The president should remember this global audience as he prepares his State of the Union address.

As with Avatar, the whole world is watching.

Grades Still Coming In

This week the president's grades arrived on climate policy, the global economy, and his approach to Honduras. He's still averaging a low C.

His best mark was in climate policy. The president attended the recent Copenhagen meeting and has talked about the serious threat of global warming. But as Foreign Policy In Focus contributor Daphne Wysham points out, "The challenge remains: to push the Obama administration to support an adequate and unconditional U.S. contribution beyond existing development aid spending, to shift the global climate fund's sourcing from carbon markets to a financial transaction tax and other mechanisms, and to house the new body in the United Nations and not the World Bank.

"On global economic policy, meanwhile, the president has tried to have it both ways. "On the positive side, the president did not expand the failed 'free-trade' agenda," writes FPIF contributor Sarah Anderson. "Trade officials did not twist arms on Capitol Hill to secure approval of deals negotiated by the Bush administration, nor did they pull out the stops to break the impasse at the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, Obama has expressed a desire to conclude the WTO talks. And in December, he reportedly told congressional leaders he wants to advance the pending bilateral agreements. Harmless lip service? Hard to tell."

Finally, on Honduras, the president received his worst grade: D. Despite starting out well by condemning the coup, FPIF senior analyst Mark Engler explains, the administration "bombed the final exam," namely the November 29 presidential elections. "Shortly after brokering a deal designed to pressure the Honduran Congress to reinstate Zelaya and allow him to serve the end of his term," Engler writes, "Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon reversed himself and declared that the United States would recognize the elections even if Zelaya remained out of office. And that is exactly what happened."

Africa Outlook

Last year wasn't so great for U.S. policy toward Africa, either. In our Africa Policy Outlook 2010 report, published with Africa Action, we look at U.S. policies across the continent, from AFRICOM and foreign aid reform to climate and trade policy. We also zero in on how Washington did or did not change course in its approach to Uganda, Sudan, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"In 2009, Washington flat-lined funding for HIV/AIDS, resuscitated and empowered the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and tripled the budget for the Military Command for Africa established under President George W. Bush," we write. "These policies all contributed to further entrenching poverty, the leading threat to human security, as well as U.S. national security in the region."

In Haiti, meanwhile, the Obama administration is saying all the right things, but giving too much authority to the Pentagon. "President Obama made all the right commitments to the Haitian people, promising emergency assistance and that we would stand with them into the future," writes FPIF contributor Phyllis Bennis. "He made clear that it is indeed the role and responsibility of government to respond to humanitarian crises, and that's a good thing (even if he also anointed his predecessors to lead a parallel privatized response). But the reality is, on the ground, some of the same problems that we've seen so many times before have already emerged, as U.S. military forces take charge, as the United Nations is pushed aside by overbearing U.S. power, as desperate humanitarian needs take a back seat to the Pentagon's priorities.

" Finally, the media has been casting around for a suitable villain on which to pin the blame for the failures of Copenhagen. "As the villain of the continuing climate drama, Washington has been replaced in much of the media by Beijing," writes FPIF columnist Walden Bello. "China did make mistakes in Copenhagen, but the media portrayal of it as the spoiler of the climate change negotiations is neither accurate nor fair. Like Hamlet, Shakespeare's conflicted Prince of Denmark, China was caught in multiple crosscurrents in Copenhagen. Its failure to manage these led to one of its biggest diplomatic setbacks in years."
. . .

Foreign Policy In Focus is a network for research, analysis and action that brings together more than 700 scholars, advocates and activists who strive to make the United States a more responsible global partner. It is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) in Washington.

For more than four decades, the Institute for Policy Studies has transformed ideas into action for peace, justice, and the environment. It is a progressive multi-issue think tank.


  1. I knew when President Obama took the reigns of symbolic leadership for the American Empire it would be almost impossible to change directions to the corrupt system of government that has been in place since the inception of this country. I appreciated the visual of a strong and responsible black man, particularly one the that projected the image of a responsible father and husband. That being said, from a moral perspective there is absolutely no rationale for dropping bombs on the innocent. A man of high moral integrity is obligated to stop these wars against women and children TODAY nothing less. I have come to the conclusion that President Obama nor any other elected political figure has the capacity to alter the course that Western capitalism is obsessed on maintaining. I think the only hope for a just and sustainable future is that an enormous tide of moral indignation in the form of massive civil disobedience is the only way at this point in history to change its course. We are in for a wild ride what ever course we take

  2. Unfortunately, I must agree with the views of Prof. West. Still, I continue to pray President Obama finds the courage to stand up for the high principals of our collective struggle as blacks in this society just a few decades ago. And, those elements of inclusiveness he opted to wave as truths in his campaign. Caroline Cassey suggested the other night that every timid response and bone inflection he is experiencing on his approach to governance is actually reflective of the collective spirit. Our collective soul seeks to overcome obstacles from our collective past and individual struggles. After listening to this, I've been able to give Obama some slack but on the other hand, until he absolutely climbs this mountain I can't help but see a Manchurian candidate suckled in the breath and arms of the social elite. I pray for him each day and write him often about my concerns and compliments! Like a parent I tell him to be aware of snakes in the grass knowing full well he must still walk his own souls journey! So, in many ways, for the sake of his soul, I hope his errors are out of naivete and not the evil with which he is playing.
    G. M.

  3. Thanks for this perspective G.M. I love how you are calling upon so much of the human potential to assess and address, the effect of Obama's movement across the world stage of human consciousness.

    He can't make it without the consciousness you exhale into the atmosphere, or the prayers that you speak into manifestation. Your writing to him reflects that parental duty to never cease sharing wisdom that will insure that those younger maximize the good they can Be within a society.

  4. P. S. I was encouraged by his conversation with the republicans and hope he continues these kinds of parliamentary exchanges with both parties for the good of the republic. the people needed to see he has a vision. on the other hand, i recognize i've been hopeful in the past and he's not acted upon what he builds. yes, michelle would have been a much better leader, she practically laughed at monstano when they told her couldn't have an organic garden - they went so far as to say it was all for show and she continued to laugh as she had her cooks making all kinds of dishes from her south lawn garden. but again, obama is the one we need to steer with our love and support.
    G. M.

  5. Hi Kentke,

    As usual you go right to the core of issues, great. You invited comments to your blog; rather than deal with how to log into your blog, I will send them here. Hope you receive them.

    I was amazed that anyone would run for President opposing the Right Wing; given that in eight short years the long planning since the Cold War years had finally taken effect, changing America from being a nation of prosperity, peace, relative freedom, and paying off the national debt nicely during the Clinton administration; then changed like setup clockwork to the situation we have now. Obama is playing in a game with a hugely and militantly carefully stacked deck against him. If he can lawyer-like win anything for the working class, the middle class, cheer him on.

    Meanwhile, we the American people, the middle, working class, need to clean up our own act; and become increasingly responsive instead of so fearfully reactive, despite the tormenting drama; and independently increasing our skills, knowledge and creative capability insofar as we can as individuals, to be ready to pitch in to help the country if we have the chance to empower our greatest visions of the adequately increased wholesome life for our civilization.


  6. Thanks so much Jim for reminding us that we do need to not let up one bit, in transforming ourselves ---no matter what is happening in Washington or anywhere else.

    I'm encouraged by your response and inspired. Thanks for your adding depth to the phrase, Yes WE can.

    Always love your sharing.

  7. Thank you Global Heart~
    I couldn't agree with you more. In fact, I've been waiting a long time for folks to wake-up, and 'Just say NO'. And I'm not talking about substance abuse...
    I'm saying NO to B.S. that I know, you know and even they know, just doesn't make sense.

    The fact that the percentage of the population reacting to this madness with a powerful NO is so small perplexes me.

    I think even the perpetrators of this confusion know that this world no longer makes sense. But they're addicted to the adreniline rush of their deluded ideals.

    People must 'Stand up for their rights' as Bob told us. Our right wholesome lives, that function harmoniously with all the life of our planet.

    I think those pulling the strings get a good chuckle over their power over us though. We thought we had elected a President that would focus on the concerns of average Americans, but the opposition has been extremely successful in blocking and detouring any significant changes.

    The masses of this society still tread their familiar paths, in their heads, and between home and job, if they still have them. The decrepit fundamental programming is still in tact. Eyes open, but the human is blind, deaf and dumb.

    In fact, you know what Global Heart? I just captured a image, that we walk around behaving as if were unconscious ---like the fabled ZOMBIES of Haiti!

    And as for that wild ride you mentioned....
    I always wear my seatbelt. And if you're driving, I'm calling SHOTGUN!

  8. The president is young and inexperienced in the powerful political arena. He came in with enthusiasm and many ideas. His backers placed great hope on him. However, now the reality of the job is setting in. It is not easy to move things or people firmly set in place for years. If his backers are losing faith in what the president should be accomplishing, it is sad. I think their expectations were too high and not realistic. I heard some of his backers say they were expecting gifts of housing, cars, jobs, etc. For me these were unrealistic expectations. If these people truly expected all this as gifts, they are surely greatly disappointed. The president had a great burden of expectations placed on him from many sides. I am sure he is hearing all the disappointments from all sides now. The president put a lot of pressure on himself thinking he could do much. It must be hurting him to hear of his backers disappointments with him.

    As a nation or people, I don't think we can put all our trust and faith for our lives on one person. For me, that faith, trust and loyalty belongs to God only. We cannot save ourselves from ourselves. Only God can save us from everything. Only God knows His plans for our country and world, His creation.


  9. Thank you Judy for sharing your thoughts. They enrich the conversation.

    I hope you scrolled down after this blog, and enjoyed the animals. There's also a very funny post after them, that gives some 'health advice' that lets us all laugh, and breathe a sigh of relief.

  10. As always, a very interesting read with much food for thought.

    Politically speaking, I have never considered myself a pundit or as well informed as some contend they are. However, common sense tells me that opinions are something everybody has, no matter how informed or uninformed they may be.

    By that I mean, unless one is literally in the catbird seat and living in that same fishbowl,how much can they really know about what that particular arena (especially the presidency)is like? Is it a mine field carefully crafted so that no one individual can be but so effective, or is it as simple as some prefer to believe.

    Sometimes things, especially important things, take more time to implement than most are willing to wait; particularly if they (outsiders) don't have intricate knowledge of seeds that have been sown in order to bring about a certain result.

    Take for instance the advice our parents and other respected elders tried to instill in us when we were young regarding the handling of a particular situation. Having once been young themselves, they had a pretty good idea of what we might have been experiencing. They understood that our youth and impetuosity forbade us from seeing a lot of things we should have picked up on, and that in all likelihood we would make our share of mistakes. They would say stuff like "It's a good idea but it's going to take time" and that we should remain steadfast and be patient - not an easy thing to do!

    Still, concerning the president and other well intended elected officials, somebody has to do these public service jobs and I personally wish them the best; even though I would never want to trade places with any of them. I mean, If you do this, this group is dissatisfied. If you do that, another group is pissed off and has a problem with that move.


    NOTE FROM Kentke
    Sam's comments continue in the Comment below


    Like a lot of people I watch many of the TV news programs, and listen to the comments of Washington insiders who are really supposed to be in the know. Then I realize how much some of them remind me a sports story I read many years ago concerning Leo Durocher, then manager of the New York Giants baseball team.

    Back then (1950's) reporters were allowed to sit in the dugout with the players, managers and coaches. Jackie Robinson had just broken the color barrier and baseball in New York City had broad social implications and was tantamount to being a religion.

    Anyway, there was a particular sports writer who fancied himself an authority on baseball strategy, and through his newspaper had really done a number on some of the game decisions Leo Durocher had made.

    The Giants were in a pennant race with the Brooklyn Dodgers and all of their fans were passionate about the way each game was played and managed. All of a sudden at pivotal strategic moment in this most important of games, a decision had to be made as to whether or not to remove a certain pitcher or leave him in. The batter coming up always had good success against this particular pitcher, but had very little success with the pitcher that might come into the game. However, all of his remaining teammates had little or no success with the pitcher who was already in the game.

    Leo Durocher, knowing exactly what he was going to do, turned to the nemesis reporter and asked "What would you do now?' The reporter hesitated, hemmed and hawed, scratched his head and said "Well, maybe, let's see, just a minute." Leo sharply said "No good, that won't do!" What do you do right now, not two minutes later, but right now when the shit is about to hit the fan.

    Obviously that reporter came to a greater understanding of what Leo had to deal with everyday because for just a few seconds he stood in Leo's shoes. I guess he probably realized that things aren't always as easy as they appear.

    Still, I think we all need to become as aware as possible and to continue to monitor things on the political front as best we can. As for me, I try and practice good citizenship by not breaking the laws, paying my taxes, voting and even showing up for jury duty.


  12. Now we're talking!

    I really appreciate your contribution Sam. Your analogy beautifully expresses an important part of the total picture.

    Political pundit or not....I reiterate my invitation for you to see this blog as a place that would welcome your contributions.

    We all would agree that life would be pretty dull without your passions~ baseball (fun,exciting,games) and music.

    The front page is yours anytime you care to share from your Life's wealth of awareness.

  13. Enjoyed your blog.

    Cornel West is great but I suggest you check out Congressman Dennis Kucinich, and Sen. Russ Feingold, both of whom have good stuff on the net that you might bring to folks' attention.

    We need to do something about our representatives, as Obama can do nothing without the best people in Congress.

    He might be more inclined to listen to someone besides the corporations if the people started paying attention to & supporting our honest representatives.

    There are a few, but they need to be known and supported. It's the people who provide the power; Obama will listen to us only if we support our best reps; we know the money will go to support the bad ones; but enough voting power will come only from the people, and the people need to be informed.


  14. Thanks very much liz'sma.

    Glad you enjoyed the blog, and hope you will view often and send me your thoughts. You can do so using the Anonymous feature. I don't believe in people giving up all the info google wants...simply to make a comment.

    I'm adding your comments so others will also think along those lines, and follow your suggestions.



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