Described as a brilliant student, he was likened to an imam because of an Islamic fervor that ended up driving him away from his wealthy family.
Here's a couple of articles relating to our conversation yesterday, that kind of speak to what I feel is significant about this young man and his actions. Be sure to click and Launch the slide show as well as read the long article.
On this link there is another very telling article, as well as the Video of Melinda Dennis who was on the plane, which is also very good:
Let me know your thoughts after you've looked at this.
Personally, I hope they don't execute this young man.
His story is really a good example of just how lost many people are in this world. That isolation, lonliness and despair that we all feel is played upon by religions and social groups to further their own distorted goals. In my opinion this young man is an example of that, and as I said I believe that he was also young, quite impresionable and had a sincere desire to towards his inner spirituality. It is obvious from these articles that he was 'seeking' (going to many schools, living in other countries) understanding and reaching out (Facebook) to find his place in Life.
I had a conversation with my cousin yesterday about why I chose not to fly to the South East to visit my sister two days after Xmas. Yes I admit it. I did not want to be in the midst of all of the fear, anxiety and suspicion that would be the in flight climate during a cross country trip, and on the ground in the nation's airports.
I sent the following message to him today, as a follow-up. I've also shared it with a few other insightful friends, in search of their thoughts on the issue. So be sure to read the comments on this post. I invite you to join the conversation too. ~~~
Here's a couple of articles relating to our conversation yesterday, that kind of speak to what I feel is significant about this young man and his actions. Be sure to click and Launch the slide show as well as read the long article.
On this link there is another very telling article, as well as the Video of Melinda Dennis who was on the plane, which is also very good:
Let me know your thoughts after you've looked at this.
Personally, I hope they don't execute this young man.
His story is really a good example of just how lost many people are in this world. That isolation, lonliness and despair that we all feel is played upon by religions and social groups to further their own distorted goals. In my opinion this young man is an example of that, and as I said I believe that he was also young, quite impresionable and had a sincere desire to towards his inner spirituality. It is obvious from these articles that he was 'seeking' (going to many schools, living in other countries) understanding and reaching out (Facebook) to find his place in Life.
Arrest photo of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in Milan, Mich.
As I reflect on this, my question becomes, Is this a terrorist, or a young person, whose inner state is so unbalanced that his mind is in a state of terror? He wasn't angry and hateful like other terrorists that've been caught. (Remember that other Black terrorist that went on trial, the one that was supposed to be in the 9/11 incident?)
This guy is so confused about Life ......I believe that subsequently he was brainwashed. I'm sharing this with a few other friends, because I want to know their feelings too.
This guy is so confused about Life ......I believe that subsequently he was brainwashed. I'm sharing this with a few other friends, because I want to know their feelings too.
Check out the photo below from an Islamist website, and see how they are using the boy's image in support of their propaganda. Notice how the headline image, and the most recent one taken after the incident are so drastically different.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in a screen cap
ture taken from an Islamist Web site on Dec. 28, 2009. A regional wing of al Qaida claimed responsibility for the failed Christmas Day attack, saying it was to avenge U.S. attacks on the group in Yemen.

Slide Show:
Tracing the path of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a wealthy banker’s son, prestigious London college grad and now an accused terrorist.
Dec. 28: Melinda Dennis was aboard Northwest Flight 253 on Christmas Day when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to set off a bomb.
Today show
Today show
ReplyDeleteI'm don't know if we're hearing the truth of all of this in light of the fact that the U.S. within the last few days admitted to running covert operations in Yemen. It's highly probable this poor country is the next target for a larger war on Al Queda. We're a fearful country easily manipulated where good common sense and sound judgment would make most of these criminal acts just that criminal acts - not reasons to justify more wars. Something is not right, I don't know what it is, but it's not right - all the billions of dollars wasted on terrorist lists and this and that and a prominent banker calls the embassy and tells them his son is possibly wayward? And, it's ignored! Naw! Naw! Naw! I don't know that these young men are innocent but I feel we're missing some crucial information that may shed more light on the subject.
Again, remember, the U.S. didn't move to occupy Oklahoma because of Timothy McVey yet, the war cries on Yemen, another failed state, mainly because of the greed and avarice of our nation is easy prey.... My prayer is that as a nation we're elect to give peace a chance.
I hear you ....
ReplyDeleteLike the suspected 'shadow nation' is at work again. And poor naive Obama probably hasn't got a clue about what some other 'patriots' are still scheming on.
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ReplyDeleteOoh...thanks Chris.
ReplyDeleteContinue to check the blog, because others are also responding to my question. I hope you will wish to continue your thoughts about this.
For sure, in the sharing, a collective sanity that we can share with those in fear and ignorance, will emerge.
Hello Kentke,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your ever deeply insightful take on things once again here demonstrated. You stated the apt question so well in: “Is this a terrorist, or a young person, whose inner state is so unbalanced that his mind is in a state of terror?” For one just needs to do a casual reflection on the twin factors that shaped the young man to appreciate this point: namely his outrageously affluent upbringing amidst the despicable abject poverty among the masses in Nigeria, and the furious religiosity in the country that holds the people bound in a blind following of the two monotheistic religions of Islam and Christianity in the land! The picture is nothing but a state of terror; I can tell you this, as a Nigerian!
The logical follow-up reflection, therefore, should be on how to honestly tame the state of terror in our world to which this event speaks – in the face of the overwhelming control that these monotheistic religions have over all the educational and socio-political institutions that shape popular thinking and actions. Simple question whose denial or brushing aside, sadly makes the situation complex! Think about it: US soil, and many families internationally, just narrowly avoided a horrible loss of valuable properties and precious lives because of this never-ending terrorizing competition for control of the name and essence of the Creator by two monotheistic religions... When does the terror end?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 4:59:00 PM PST
Thank you for opening up a deep topic that would otherwise not cross the minds of many folks!
ReplyDeleteVery insightful of you as usual, sister...