Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Beloved Pacific Ocean

My beautiful Pacific Ocean~
my placid Pacific
An endless sheet of shimmering blue-green smoothness.

Some days, an extraordinary stillness.
Window pane flat, extending as far as my eye can see.

Not a ripple.
Reflecting the sky,
yet another shade of blue
to make certain I know, that there is an expanse
in between....

How I miss you....
my Southern California Coast.

The waters of the San Francisco Bay,
a constant churn from the non-stop running engines
of cargo ships
Emptying their load at the dock, and toxic wastes into the Bay.

Creating choppy dank grey waves,
never feeling the Grace and foaming white curl of my Redondo or Manhattan shores.

Can this be the same Pacific Ocean?

So unappealing these waters.
Robbed of the delight of the spice of my companions,
the schools of dolphin.

Yes!---religiously. Like clockwork.
Showing up in response from the power of my love for them,

Every single time~

Swimming along with me.
Keeping pace with my walk along the coast.
Rising above the water, leaping, diving and surfing. Half-moon shaped black slivers, circles of joy,
Confirming for me, my place in the Heart of Cosmic Consciousness.

How could I ever doubt?
Surely, I Am Beloved…
to receive such a personally perfect gift...
Playful dolphins, gorgeous day, my Beloved Pacific.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Science at it's best...Illuminating subtle insights that deepen our understanding and enhance our ability to exist in harmony

I offer you two interesting articles from the realm of natural science today. They are both rich with concepts for your contemplation. Have some fun and let your imagination expand and play with the possibilities that your new awareness of these latest revelations might create in your personal world.

Nature at it's Best with a twist~

I usually note instances of what I call 'Nature at It's Best' in the form of photos of animals of different species demonstrating kindness and compassion to one another. Some favorite images are those of animals nurturing the young of other species. Here's an article that focuses on how some of these traits have evolved into the human animal.

I note this because it's promising in terms of the new humans that we must become if we wish to continue to exist. The article reveals that we already possess the qualities that would make us more like our animal brothers and sisters in knowing how to share, respect and be concerned for the well being of the Homo Sapian genus of the animal kingdom.

Kids may be hardwired to 'share and share alike': study

by Marlowe Hood

Paris (AFP)

27, Aug. 2008

Humans are selfish in earliest childhood but by the age of seven or eight are keen to share equally, a developmental change so sudden that it can only be explained, at least in part, by genes, according to a study released Wednesday.

Behavioural scientists and sociologists have quarrelled for decades as to whether generosity and selfishness are inherited or result from social conditioning.

But new experiments with 229 Swiss children between the ages of three and eight suggest that Homo sapiens is probably somewhere in between: humans look out for No. 1, but also express, if not outright generosity, at least an aversion to inequality.

The study, published in the British journal Nature, could help explain how humans developed the ability to cooperate in large groups of individuals who are unrelated, the researchers say.
The children were asked to take part in three different games.

In each game, the child was confronted with two options as to how to distribute portions of jelly beans and other small sweets.

He or she was faced with another kid, shown only in a photo to avoid complications arising from face-to-face encounters.

One of the options was the same in all three games: divide the sweets equally.

In the first game, the child had the alternate option of keeping a single portion of sweets for himself and giving nothing for the other child.

In the second, more sweets were added, and the child had the option of giving the other child two portions and keeping one.

And in the third game, the child had the choice of taking two portions and leaving the other child empty-handed.

Lead researcher Ernst Fehr of the University of Zurich said the three- and four-year-olds were consistently motivated by self-interest, with almost no regard for the well-being of the other. The next age bracket was almost as selfish.

"But if we look at the seven-to-eight year olds, a different picture emerges," Fehr told AFP.
In the first game, nearly 80 percent of the older kids made sure the other child got the same amount of sweets rather than none at all.

And in the last game, more than 40 percent of them refused to let the other go away with nothing even when they had the opportunity of gaining a double portion by doing so.

By comparison, less than nine percent of three- and four-year-olds were willing to do the same.
But generosity had its limits. In the second game, the older children were reluctant to let their counterpart have twice as many as themselves.

'If I can't have more,' their actions seemed to say, 'I don't see why he or she should.'

In an e-mail exchange with AFP, Fehr said the results suggest that Nature and Nurture jointly shaped behavioural responses, although the study was not designed to calculate the share of each influence.

"I think that both genes and culture play a role," Fehr said. The results, he added, suggest that "social norms of equality can come into being even without extended forms of cultural transmission."

"Nobody would dispute that the sexual maturation of children is driven by biology and genes, so why should other phenotypes -- like those associated with fairness behaviour -- not also be driven by biology and genes?", he asked rhetorically.

At least one result was unexpected, said Fehr: children with no siblings were more, rather than less, generous.
Copyright © 2008 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved.
Don't think all viruses are bad
It's a pretty common thing to look upon a virus as something negative that you don't want to be infected with. Whether it's dealing with our bodies, or one's favorite tool of staying in touch with the world --- the computer --- we do everything we can to thwart the 'attack' of a virus in our system. Check out this article to get a more balanced view of these living organisms.
We cling to many perceptions about Life and our existence, but like Sammy sang in the character of Sportin' Life, in Porgy and Bess...."it ain't necessarily so....."
Viruses are hidden drivers of ocean's nutrient cycle
27, Aug. 2008

Scientists on Wednesday said they had discovered deep-sea viruses to be an unexpectedly potent driver of the so-called carbon cycle that sustains oceanic life and helps dampen global warming.

Under the carbon cycle, microscopic algae at the sea surface suck up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Many of these microscopic creatures, called prokaryotes, become infected by naturally-occurring marine viruses.

When they die, their carbon-rich remains gently sink to lower depths, where they are then cannibalistically gobbled up by other bacteria.

These prokaryotes in turn become a meal for a larger life form and so on, up the food chain.
Researchers long ago grasped that viruses on the sea surface play a Dr.-Jekyll-and-Mr.-Hyde role, killing biomass while at the same time sustaining it.

Now, though, evidence has emerged that these tiny bacterial pathogens also carry out unsung work at the ocean depths -- a dark, inhospitable, nutrient-poor place that counts as last great unexplored ecosystem on the planet.

Marine scientists led by Roberto Danovaro of Italy's Polytechnic University of Marche in Ancona sifted through samples of sediment hauled up from scores of sites from around the world, at depths ranging from 183 metres (595 feet) to a bone-crushing 4,603 metres (14,959 feet).
Team member Antonio Dell'Anno said the virus count was astonishingly high.

"We found surprising results," he told AFP in an interview.
"In the deep ocean, there is a strong interaction between viruses and prokaryotes, which helps sustain the deep-sea ecosystems independently of the nutrient inputs coming from the surface waters.
"It's a sort of self-sustaining mechanism, helping the ocean depths to overcome severe nutrient limitations."

The virus work has "huge implications" for understanding the ocean carbon cycle, he said.
It not only helps to sustain life at great depths, he said.

Beyond 1,000 metres (3,250 feet) or so, prokaryotes account for 90 percent of the total biomass.
Humans are among the indirect beneficiaries of the process, because the abyssal nutrients help sustain the seafood that ends up on our plates.

Another big question is what role viruses may play in the complex arithmetic of global warming.

The sea absorbs billions of tonnes of atmospheric CO2 each year, thus acting as a cushion for man-made emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. The carbon detritus from prokaryotes killed by viruses on the ocean floor is mostly respired thus not effectively stored there forever.
Viruses are by far the most abundant "life form" in the oceans, according to the study, which appears in Thursday's issue of Nature, the London-based science weekly.

They number roughly 4 X 10 to the power of 30 -- a four following by 30 zeroes.
Globally, as much as 630 million tonnes of carbon are taken up each year by "viral shunt," when the remains of one microscopic organism, which has been killed by a virus, are later snapped up by another one.

Copyright © 2008 Agence France Presse.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yep.....that's your President.......

.....yes America.....that's your face in the world.

Keep your head to the sky

This photo, released by NASA and the European Space Agency to commemorate the Hubble Space Telescope completing its 100,000th orbit around the Earth in its 18th year of exploration and discovery.
Master told me one day
I'd find peace in every way,
but in search for the clue
wrong things I was bound to do.

Keep my head to the sky
for the clouds to tell me why.
As I grew with strength
Master kept me as I repent.

Keep your head to the sky
Keep your head to the sky

Gave me the will to be free
purpose to live His reality.
Found myself never alone
changes come to make me strong.

Step right up, be a man
You need faith to understand
so we're saying for you to hear
Keep your head in faith's atmosphere...

Keep your head to the sky
Keep your head to the sky
Earth, Wind and Fire
Scientists have aimed Hubble to take a snapshot of a dazzling region of celestial birth and renewal. Hubble peered into a small portion of the nebula near the star cluster NGC 2074, (image above), on Sunday,Aug.10, 2008.
The region is a firestorm of raw stellar creation, perhaps triggered by a nearby supernova explosion. It lies about 170 000 light-years away near the Tarantula nebula, one of the most active star-forming regions in our local group of galaxies.
In this representative color image, red shows emission from sulphur atoms, green from glowing hydrogen, and blue from glowing oxygen.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

Behavioral Economics 101~Economists and psychologists team up to deepen their understanding of how to get your dollar.

I'm bringing you the latest goings on over at EDGE, a website I subscribe to just to keep my former intellectual ideal of myself from being completely starved into oblivion. These people consider themselves on the cutting edge of everything.

Edge Foundation, Inc., was established in 1988 as an outgrowth of a group known as The Reality Club. Its informal membership includes of some of the most interesting minds in the world.
The mandate of Edge Foundation is to promote inquiry into and discussion of intellectual, philosophical, artistic, and literary issues, as well as to work for the intellectual and social achievement of society.

I particularly like to follow the articles and doings of their "Third Culture". You can read their full description of what's meant by Third Culture here:

but a summary of the concept reads:

The third culture consists of those scientists and other thinkers in the empirical world who, through their work and expository writing, are taking the place of the traditional intellectual in rendering visible the deeper meanings of our lives, redefining who and what we are.

Now all of this is coming from a group of Americans whose cultural base is a European Western civilization perspective. That's very important to keep in mind. Everyone does not think like these folks do. But it's important to know how and what they are thinking, as most of them occupy powerful and influential positions in both society and their respective fields. For that reason....I like to know what's on their minds.

And I think you should know also.

On this blog, I spend a lot of time encouraging you to know and listen to the intelligence of your own Heart. If you've been practicing that, by now you might have experienced that often times, doing so, can place one in opposition to the 'powers that be'. Maybe even in conflict with one of the policies of one of these guys that are a member of the mind set of EDGE members. Knowing what they base their thinking on, and how they come up with their decisions, plans and solutions can be quite fascinating, and really a revelation.

I have friends that think that there those that launch conspiracies and actual plots to undermine, subvert,oppress and destroy certain groups, and the freedoms and activities of segments of the population. Paying attention over the years, I've come to believe that we're giving these Devious Entities way more credit than they deserve.

I've come to believe that they're not smart enough to actually concoct the schemes that we might think they are behind. I think that they're actually just blundering their way through the World....stupid, blind, ignorant, greedy, and basically very deeply hurt and sick psyches. They represent humanity in 'arrested development' so they are perpetually immature, and act this out on a global playground.

For various reasons, they are disconnected from a deep feeling of connectedness to All of Life. So instead of relying upon the Love and Intelligence of the Heart, they push their center of consciousness up in to brain, and thus, they like to THINK. Alot.

And the thinking goes on and on and on. And they like to just think up stuff. Abstract reasoning and rationalsim. To quote, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, " Since the Middle Ages, our Occident (Western culture) has been blinded, particularly by the cerebration of the Greek Eleatics who preferred reasoning to experimentation. The beginning of this disquieting period of 'argurers' can be situated with the Eleatic school around 550 or 500 B.C."

He goes on "No sooner had a doctrine seen the light of day than a rejoinder was being born, either a contradiction or an extolling of the idea expressed. To contradict, and to argue, have always been part of the intelligent and subtle temperment of the Greek".

I include this, because the people that live from the Third Culture mentality, and those that I spoke of that produced that tasteless cover of 'The New Yorker Magazine' featuring the Obamas, are all the descendants of Western intellectualism that began with Greek philosophers.

The sad part is that the philosphical and intellectual system the world operates upon today is a deviation of the teachings Greek students ~later to be know as 'philosophers' received in the temples in Egypt. DEVIATION is the key word in that sentence.

De Lubicz said that the Greeks "searched for answers that reason could accept". The problem was, they were dealing with trying to understand levels of Life, that don't fit within rational terms. And here is where one of the first major deviations in man's wholesome thinking date from: They (the Greeks) attributed a physical character to metaphysical principles.

Now don't give up on me....I'm not trying to loose you here. I'm telling you all of this so that you can understand that many of the ideals, concepts and ways which we've been programmed to live and see our world by, conflict with what 'our inner truth' tells us, because they are out of alignment with an organic understanding and ordering of the flow of Life.

I'm suggesting that one's tinge or roar of inner rebellion, is one's innate reaction to these critical deviations in fundamental understandings about how Life works that were suffered long ago. These misunderstandings were allowed to go uncorrected, and thus, continue, flourish and proliferate. Right up to today, where we actually have a President with the intellectual capacity of George W. Bush. And groups like EDGE's Third Culture, quite full of themselves, are on top of the world, influencing society, directing and naming the flow of human civilization.

Okay....I'll get back to the point.

And that is that I want you to check out how these folks are thinking about economics. I'm directing you to a conference they just had where the keynote speakers discussed Behavioral Economics. New to me, but this is something that's been a topic for some time. So if you're loosing your home, or now earning minimum wage because Arnold is your Governor, then I want you to understand where the thinking for the policies that allow you to be in those circumstances stems from.

Because as I said.....these guys....and they are 99.9% men....are simply wingin' it. Just making up stuff....They ain't got a clue. And that's why everything is a mess. But look at the names and the companies in attendance. There's genius present yes. Just notice how it's being directed.

Now. Once you understand this, I'm counting on you to join me in opening yourself up to receive BETTER IDEAS from Cosmic Consciousness, for the needs of our world. DIVINE IDEAS, captured in your meditation and contemplation of the moment. The solutions will come from within YOU.

Not in an economic stimulus of $600. They will be organic, expressions of God/Allah/Cosmic Consciousness/Enlightenment simply Being the Divine Operation. A quote that I've claimed daily is from Judge Thomas Troward. He declares ,"The Divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression, and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth". You and I are those centers of such Divine Operation.

So Beloveds, check out the reports from this conference and acquire the information you need to understand how those that have made our world what it is, are thinking. There are some interesting and stimulating ideas presented. You can clearly get a glimpse into the minds of those whose purpose in life is to manipulate you for their ends and needs. And unfortunately, that is usually to add to their or someone else's profit margin.

Do remember, what the Prophet Bob said,

"They made their world so hard

Every day we got to keep on fighting

They made their world so hard

Every day the people are dying".

Bob knew, ...and he was telling us that this ain't the way it's supposed to be. Let me know what you get out of this. You're the best and the brightest on the planet.
Click on the links and explore the website for more info.

"Retreating to the luxury of Sonoma to discuss economic theory in mid-2008 conveys images of Fiddling while Rome Burns. Do the architects of Microsoft, Amazon, Google, PayPal, and Facebook have anything to teach the behavioral economists—and anything to learn? So what? What's new?? As it turns out, all kinds of things are new. Entirely new economic structures and pathways have come into existence in the past few years." —George Dyson


By Richard Thaler, Sendhil Mullainathan, Daniel KahnemanGaige House, Glen Ellen, CA,
July 25-27, 2008

RICHARD H. THALER is considered to be one of the founders of behavioral economics—the study of how thinking and emotions affect individual economic decisions and the behavior of markets. He investigates the implications of relaxing the standard economic assumption that everyone in the economy is rational and selfish, instead entertaining the possibility that some of the agents in the economy are sometimes human. Thaler is Director of the Center for Decision Research at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. He is coauthor (with Cass Sunstein) of Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness.
Richard Thaler's Edge Bio Page

SENDHIL MULLAINATHAN, a Professor of Economics at Harvard, is a recipient of a MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" and conducts research on development economics, behavioral economics, and corporate finance. His work concerns creating a psychology of people to improve poverty alleviation programs in developing countries. He Executive Director of Ideas 42, Institute of Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University.
Sendhil Mullainathan's Edge Bio Page

DANIEL KAHNEMAN is Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology, Princeton University, and Professor of Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He is winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his pioneering work integrating insights from psychological research into economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision-making under uncertainty.
Daniel Kahneman's Edge Bio Page

ATTENDEES: Jeff Bezos, Founder,; John Brockman, Edge Foundation, Inc.; Max Brockman, Brockman, Inc.; George Dyson, Science Historian; Author, Darwin Among the Machines; W. Daniel Hillis, Computer Scientist; Cofounder, Applied Minds; Author, The Pattern on the Stone; Daniel Kahneman, Psychologist; Nobel Laureate, Princeton University; Salar Kamangar, Google; France LeClerc; Katinka Matson, Edge Foundation, Inc.; Sendhil Mullainathan, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Executive Director, Ideas 42, Institute of Quantitative Social Science; Elon Musk, Physicist; Founder, Telsa Motors, SpaceX; Nathan Myhrvold, Physicist; Founder, Intellectual Venture, LLC; Event Photographer; Sean Parker, The Founders Fund; Cofounder: Napster, Plaxo, Facebook; Paul Romer, Economist, Stanford; Richard Thaler, Behavioral Economist, Director of the Center for Decision Research, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business; coauthor of Nudge; Anne Treisman, Psychologist, Princeton University; Evan Williams, Founder, Blogger, Twitter

This edition of Edge is a prelimanary report of tne second annual Edge "Master Class," which occured July 25-27 in Sonoma, which was followed on July 28th by a San Francisco dinner.
Below we present a summary of the Master Class by Nathan Myhrvold (Day 1) and George Dyson (Day 2) as well as some spirited exchanges among the attendees regarding the reports. Also, you will find the photo galleries of both the Master Class and the dinner.

A year ago, Edge convened the first "Master Class" in which psychologist and Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman taught a 9-hour course on "Thinking About Thinking". Among the attendees were a "who's who" of the new global business culture. This year, to continue this discussion, Richard Thaler of the University of Chicago, one of the fathers of Behavioral Economics, and Sendhil Mullinaithan, a brilliant young Harvard economist, along with Daniel Kahneman taught an intensive 9-hour course on behavioral economics.

[See Edge Master Class 07; "Thinking About Thinking";

Indeed, as one distinguished European visitor noted, the weekend involved "a remarkable gathering of outstanding minds. These are the people that are rewriting our global culture."
The Master Class is the most recent iteration of Edge's development. which began its activities under than name "The Reality Club" in 1981. Edge is different from The Algonquin, The Apostles, The Bloomsbury Group, or The Club, but it offers the same quality of intellectual adventure. The closest resemblances are to the early seventeenth-century Invisible College, a precursor to the Royal Society, whose members consisted of scientists such as Robert Boyle, John Wallis, and Robert Hooke. The Society's common theme was to acquire knowledge through experimental investigation. Another, perhaps, more apt example, is the nineteenth-century Lunar Society of Birmingham, an informal club of the leading cultural figures of the new industrial age — James Watt, Erasmus Darwin, Josiah Wedgewood, Joseph Priestly, Benjamin Franklin.

In a similar fashion, Edge, through it's "Master Classes" is attempting to gather together those intellectuals and technology pioneers who are exploring the themes of the post-industrial Internet age.

In the coming weeks, Edge will publish the proceedings of ths year's Master Class, including streaming video and edited transcripts

A SHORT COURSE IN BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICSEdge Master Class 08 By Richard Thaler, Sendhil Mullainathan, Daniel KahnemanGaige House, Glen Ellen, CA, July 25-27, 2008

Look, this is science. Belief isn't an option. —Daniel Kahneman

By Nathan Myhrvold
DR. NATHAN MYHRVOLD is CEO and managing director of Intellectual Ventures, a private entrepreneurial firm. Before Intellectual Ventures, Dr. Myhrvold spent 14 years at Microsoft Corporation. In addition to working directly for Bill Gates, he founded Microsoft Research and served as Chief Technology Officer.
Nathan Myhrvold's Edge Bio Page

The recent Edge event on behavioral economics was a great success. Here is a report on the first day.

Over the course of the last few years we've been treated to quite a few expositions of behavioral economics—probably a dozen popular books seek to explain some aspect of the field. This isn't the place for a full summary but the gist is pretty simple. Classical economics has studied a society of creatures that Richard Thaler, an economist at University of Chicago dubs the "Econ". Econs are rather superhuman in some ways—they do everything by optimizing utility functions, paragons of bounded rationality. Behavioral economics is about understanding how real live Humans differ from Econs.In previous reading, and an Edge event last year I learned the most prominent differences between Econs and Humans. Humans, as it turns out, are not always bounded rational—they can be downright irrational. Thaler likes to say that Humans are like Homer Simpson, Econs are like Mr Spock. This is a great start, but to have any substance in economics one has to understand that in the context of economic situations. Humans make a number of systematic deviations from the Econ ideal, and behavioral economics has categorized a few of these. So, for example, we humans fear loss more than we love gain.

Humans care about how a question is put to them—propositions which an Econ would instantly recognize as mathematically equivalent seem different to Humans and they behave differently.

Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel laureate for his work in behavioral economics told us about priming—how a subtle influence radically shifts how people act. So, in one experiment people are asked to fill out a survey. In the corner of the room is a computer, with a screen saver running. That's it—nothing overt, just a background image in the room. If the screen saver shows pictures of money, the survey answers are radically different. Danny went through example after example like this where occurred. The first impulse one has in hearing this is no, this can't be the case. People can't be that easily and subconsciously influenced. You don't want to believe it. But Danny in his professorial way says "Look, this is science. Belief isn't an option". Repeated randomized trials confirm the results. Get over it.

The second impression is perhaps even more surprising—the influences are quite predictable. Show people images of money, and they tend to be more selfish and less willing to help others. Make people plot points on graph paper that are far apart, and they act more distant in lots of way. Make them plot points that are close together, and damned if they don't act closer. Again, it seems absurd, but cheap metaphors capture our minds. Humans, it seems, are like drunken poets, who can't glimpse a screen saver in the corner, or plot some points on graph paper without swooning under the metaphorical load and going off on tangents these stray images inspire.

This is all very strange, but is it important? The analogy that seems most apt to me is optical illusions. An earlier generation of psychologists got very excited about how the low level visual processing in our brains is hardwired to produce paradoxical results.

The priming stories seem to me to be the symbolic and metaphorical equivalent. The priming metaphors in optical illusions are the context of the image—the extra lines or arrows that fool us into making errors in judgment of sizes or shapes. While one can learn to recognize optical illusions, you can't help but see the effect for what it is. Knowing the trick does not lessen its intuitive impact. You really cannot help but think one line is longer, even if you know that the trick will be revealed in a moment.I wonder how closely this analogy carries over. Danny said today that you can't avoid priming; if he is right perhaps the analogy is close. Perhaps not.I also can't help but wonder how important these effects are to thinking and decision making in general.

After the early excitement about optical illusions, they have retreated from prominence—they explain a few cute things in vision, but they are only important in very artificial cases. Yes, there are a few cases where product design, architecture and other visual design problems are impacted by optical illusions, but very very few. In most cases the visual context is not misleading. So, while it offers an interesting clue to how visual processing works, it is a rare special case that has little practical importance.

Perhaps the same thing is true here—the point of these psychological experiments, like the illusions, is to isolate an effect in a very artificial circumstance. This is a great way to get a clue about how the brain works (indeed it would seem akin to Steven Pinker's latest work The Stuff of Thought which argues for the importance of metaphors in the brain).

But is it really important to day-to-day real world thinking? In particular, can economics be informed by these experiments? Does behavioral economics produce a systematically different result that classical economics if these ideas are factored in?I can imagine it both ways. If it is important, then we are all at sea, tossed and turned in a tumultuous tide of metaphors imposed by our context. That is a very strange world—totally counter to our intuition. But maybe that is reality.

Or, I could equally imagine that it only matters in cases where you create a very artificial experiment—in effect, turning up the volume on the noise in the thought process. In more realistic contexts the signal trumps the noise. The truth is likely some linear combination of these two extreme—but what combination? There are some great experiments yet to be done to nail that down.

Dick Thaler gave a fascinating talk that tries to apply these ideas in a very practical way. There is an old debate in economics about the right way to regulate society. Libertarians would say don't try—the harm in reducing choice is worse than the benefit, in part because of unintended consequences, but mostly because the market will reach the right equilibrium. Marxist economists, at the other extreme, took it for granted that one needs a dictatorship of the proletariat—choice is not an option, at least for the populace.

Thaler has a new creation—a concept he calls "libertarian paternalism" which tries to split the baby. The core idea (treated fully in his book Nudge) is pretty simple—present plenty of options, but then encourage certain outcomes by using behavioral economics concepts to stack the deck. A classic example is the difference between opt-in and opt-out in a program such as organ donation. If you tell people that they can opt-in to donating their organs if they are killed, a few will feel strongly enough to do it—most people won't. If you switch that to opt-out the reverse happens—very few people opt out. Changing the "choice architecture" that people have, changes choices. This is not going to work on people who feel strongly, but the majority don't really care and can be pushed in one direction or another by choice architecture.

A better example is a program called "save more tomorrow" (SMT), for 401K plans in companies. People generally don't save very much. So, the "save more tomorrow" program lets you decide up front to save a greater portion of promotions and raises. You are not cutting into today's income (to which you feel you are entitled to spend) but rather you are pre-allocating a future windfall. Seems pretty simple but there are dramatic increases in savings rates when it is instituted.

Dick came to the session loaded for bear, expecting the objections of classical economics. Apparently this is all very controversial among economists and policy wonks. It struck me as very clever, but once explained, very obvious. Of course you can put some spin on the ball and nudge people the right way using to achieve a policy effect. It's called marketing when you do this in business, and it certainly can matter. In the world of policy wonk economists this may be controversial, but it wasn't to me.

An interesting connection with the discussion of priming experiments is that many policy contexts are highly artificial—very much like experiments. Filling out a driver's license form is a kind of questionnaire, and the organ donation scenario seems very remote to most people despite the fact that they're making a binding choice rather than . So the mechanics of opt-in versus opt-out or required choice could matter a lot in these contexts.

Dick has a bunch of other interesting ideas. One of them is to require that government disclosures on things like cell phone plans, or credit card statements be machine readable disclosure with a standard schema. This would allow web sites to offer automated comparisons, and other tools to help people understand the complexities. This is a fascinating idea that could have a lot of merit. Dick is, from my perspective, a bit over optimistic in some ways—it is unclear that it will be overwhelming.

An example is unit prices in grocery stores—those little labels on store shelves that tell you that Progesso canned tomatoes are 57 cents per pound, while the store brand is 43. Consumer advocates thought these would revolutionize consumer behavior—and perhaps they did in some limited ways. But premium brands didn't disappear. I also differ on another point—must this be required by government, and would it be incorruptible were it so mandated.

In the world of technology most standards are de facto, rather than de juris, and are driven by private owners (companies or private sector standards bodies), because the creation and maintenance of a standard is a dynamic balancing act—not a static one. I think that many of the disclosure standards he seeks would be better done this way. Conversely, a government mandate disclosure standard might become so ossified by changing slowly that it did not achieve the right result. Nevertheless, this is a small point compared to the main idea which is that machine readable disclosures with standardized schema allow third party analysis and enables a degree of competition that would harder to achieve by other means.

Sendhil Mullainathan gave a fascinating talk about applying behavior economics to understand poverty. If this succeeds (it is a work in progress) it would be extremely important.He showed a bunch of data on itinerant fruit vendors (all women) in India. 69% of them are constantly in debt to money lenders who charge 5% per day interest. The fruit ladies make 10% per day profit, so half their income goes to the money lender. They also typically buy a couple cups of tea per day. Sendhil shows that 1 cup of tea per day less would let them be debt free in 30 days, doubling their income. 31% of these women have figured that out, so it is not impossible.

Why don't the rest get there? Sendhil then showed a bunch of other data arguing that poor people—even those in the US (who are vastly richer in absolute scale than his Indian fruit vendors)—do similar things with how they spend food stamps, or use of payday loans. He was very deliberate at drawing this out, until I finally couldn't stand it and blurted out "you're saying that they all have high discount rate". His argument is that under scarcity there is a systematic effect that you put the discount rate way too high for your own good. With too high a discount rate, you spend for the moment, not for the future. So, you have a cup a tea rather than double your income.He is testing this with an amazing experiment. What would these women do if they could escape the "debt trap"?

Bono, Jeffery Sachs and others have argued this point for poor nations—this is the individual version of the proposition.Sendhil is studying 1000 of these fruit vendors (all women). Their total debt is typically $25 each, so he is just stepping in and paying off the debt for 500 of them! The question is then to see how many of them revert to being in debt over time, versus the 500 who are studied, but do not have their debt paid off. The experiment is underway and he has no idea what the result will be.The interesting thing here is that, for these people, one can do a meaningful experiment (N = 500 gives good statistics) without much money in absolute. It would be hard to do this experiment with debt relief for poor nations, or even the US poor, but in India you can do serious field experiments for little money.

Sendhil also has an amusing argument, which is that very busy people are exactly like these poor fruit vendors. If you have very little time, it is scarce and you are as time-poor as the fruit ladies are cash-poor. So, you act like there is a high discount—and you commit to future events—like agreeing to travel and give a talk. Then as the time approaches, you tend to regret it and ask "why did I agree to this?". So you act like there is a high discount rate. This got everybody laughing.

The difference here is that time can't be banked or borrowed, so it is unclear to me how close an analogy it is, but it was interesting nonetheless.Indeed, I almost cancelled my attendance at this event right before hand, thinking "why did I agree to this? I don't have the time!". After much wrestling I decided I could attend the first day, but no more. Well, this is one of those times when having the "wrong" discount rate is in your favor. I'm very glad I attended.

There's new technology emerging from behavioral economics and we are just starting to make use of that. I thought the input of psychology into economics was finished but clearly it's not! —Daniel Kahneman [7.27.08]
By George Dyson
GEORGE DYSON, a historian among futurists, is the author Baidarka; Project Orion; and Darwin Among the Machines.
George Dyson's Edge Bio Page

The weekend master class on behavioral economics was productive in unexpected ways, and a lot of good ideas and thoughts about implementing them were exchanged.

Day 2 (Sunday) opened with a session led by Sendhil Mullainathan, followed by a final wrap-up discussion before we adjourned at noon. Elon Musk, Evan Williams, and Nathan Myhrvold had departed early. In the absence of Nathan's high-resolution record, a brief summary, with editorial comments, is given here.

"I refuse to accept however, the stupidity of the Stock Exchange boys, as an explanation of the trend of stocks," wrote John von Neumann to Stanislaw Ulam, on December 9, 1939. "Those boys are stupid alright, but there must be an explanation of what happens, which makes no use of this fact." This question led von Neumann (with the help of Oskar Morgenstern) to his monumental Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, a precise mathematical structure demonstrating that a reliable economy can be constructed out of unreliable parts.

The von Neumann and Morgenstern approach (developed further by von Neumann's subsequent Probabilistic Logics and the Synthesis of Reliable Organisms From Unreliable Components) assumes that human unreliability and irrationality (by no means excluded from their model) will, in the aggregate, be filtered out. In the real world, however, irrational behavior (including the "stupidity of the stock exchange boys") is not completely filtered out. Daniel Kahneman, Richard Thaler, Sendhil Mullainathan, and their colleagues are developing an updated theory of games and economic behavior that does make use of this fact.

Sendhil Mullainathan opened the first hour, on the subject of scarcity, by repeating the first day's question: what is it that prevents the fruit vendors (who borrow their working capital daily at high interest) from saving their way out of recurring debt? According to Sendhil, many vendors do manage to escape, but a core group remain trapped.

Sendhil shows a graph with $$ on the X-axis and Temptation on the Y-axis. The curve starts out flat and then ascends steeply upward before leveling off. The dangerous area is the steep slope when a person begins to acquire disposable income and meets rapidly increasing temptations.

"To understand the behavior you have to understand the scale." Thaler interjects: "It's a mental accounting problem—but I think everything is a mental accounting problem." All human beings are subject to temptation, but the consequences are higher for the poor. Conclusion: temptation is a regressive tax.

Paul Romer notes that the temptation of time is a progressive tax, since time, unlike money, is evenly distributed, and wealthy people, no matter how well supplied with money, believe they have less spare time. Bottom line: the effects of temptation do not scale with income.

How best to intervene? Daniel Kahneman notes: "Some cultures have solved that problem... there seems to be a cultural solution." Sendhil, whose field research may soon have some answers, believes that lending at lower interest rates may help but will not solve the problem, and adds: "It would be better for the microfinanciers to come in and offer money at the same rate as the existing lenders, and then make the payoff in some other ways." The problem is the chronic effects of poverty, not the lending institutions (or lack thereof).

Sendhil moves the discussion to the subject of "depletion"—when judgment deteriorates due to the effects of stress. Clinical studies and real-world examples are described. Mental depletion correlates strongly with high serum cortisol (measurable in urine) and low glucose. Poverty produces chronic depletion, and decisions are impaired. High-value decisions are made under conditions of high stress. This results in what Sendhil terms the scarcity trap.

During the mid-morning break (with cookies), Richard Thaler shows videos from a 40-year-old study (Walter Mischel, 1973) of children offered one cookie now or two if they wait. The observed behavior correlates strongly, by almost any measure, with both the economic success of the parents and the child's future success. Hypothesis: small behavioral shifts might produce (or "nudge") large economic results.

After the break we begin to wrap things up. Richard Thaler suggests a "nudge" model of the world. The same way a digital camera has both an "expert mode" and an "idiot mode," what the economy needs is an "idiot mode" resistant to experts making mistakes.

Thaler notes that Government is really bad at building systems that can be operated in "idiot mode"—just compare private-sector websites vs. public-sector. Imagine if the Government had designed the user interface for Amazon!

Sendhil makes a final comment that elicits agreement all around: "R&D in the poverty space has huge potential returns and there is too little thinking about that."

Daniel Kahneman concludes: "There's new technology emerging from Behavioral Economics and we are just starting to make use of that. I thought the input of psychology into economics was finished but clearly it's not!" The meeting adjourns.

My personal conclusions: retreating to the luxury of Sonoma to discuss economic theory in mid-2008 conveys images of Fiddling while Rome Burns. Do the architects of Microsoft, Amazon, Google, PayPal, and Facebook have anything to teach the behavioral economists—and anything to learn? So what? What's new?? As it turns out, all kinds of things are new. Entirely new economic structures and pathways have come into existence in the past few years. More wealth is flowing ever more quickly, and can be monitored and influenced in real time. Models can be connected directly to the real world (for instance, Sendhil's field experiment, using real money to remove real debt, observing the results over time). The challenge is how to extend the current economic redistribution as efficiently (and beneficently) as possible to the less wealthy as well as the more wealthy of the world.

A time of misguided economic decisions, while bad for many of us, is a good time for behavioral economics. As Abraham Flexner argued (26 September 1931) when urging the inclusion of a School of Economics at the founding of the Institute for Advanced Study: "The plague is upon us, and one cannot well study plagues after they have run their course." All the more so amidst the plagues of 2008.

It was Louis Bamberger's wish (23 April 1934), upon granting Abraham Flexner's request, that "the School of Economics and Politics may contribute not only to a knowledge of these subjects but ultimately to the cause of social justice which we have deeply at heart."
George Dyson

W. Daniel Hillis, Daniel Kahneman, Nathan Myhrvold, Richard Thaler, Daniel Kahneman, Nathan Myhrvold, NEW Daniel Kahneman, NEW Nathan Myhrvold
John Brockman, Editor and PublisherRussell Weinberger, Associate Publishermailto:editor@edge.orgCopyright © 2008 By Edge Foundation, IncAll Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More Human Waste~ You old bag you!

If the pictures of our plastic cups didn't move you to think deeper about our ways of Being in the world, click on the link for another very graphic tale of the effects of human waste not just on the environment, but on other species that have a right to a clean habitat for their survival.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Human Waste ~ Picturing Excess

Click on this link for a shocking presentation by artist Chris Jordan whose work shows us an arresting view of what Western culture looks like. His supersized images help us picture some almost unimaginable statistics -- like the astonishing number of paper cups we use every single day.


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