I had the nicest message in my Inbox this morning. I want to thank my friend J. K. for his question which allowed me to under the guise of answering him, write out a message to myself that needed to be more prominent in my consciousness. Again, thank you~
Hi Kentke,
How are you? Are you on summer break, or are you blasting through summer school? How is it that you seem to be so much wiser than most people?
I try to channel your wisdom and the wise advice that you've given me. Old habits are hard to break, particularly when people are dependent upon you. I think that marriage and family obligations keep me in order. Otherwise, I'd simply sell everything I own, buy a nice motorhome, and simply travel. Okay... gotta keep a bicycle, running shoes, and swimming goggles. That's all I really need - bicycle, running shoes, and swimming goggles.
Several years ago, I was on patrol at about 1:00 a.m. This buffed out homeless guy was preparing his box for his night's sleep. I pulled the black & white along side him and said/asked, "Brother... why do you care to live like this?"
He looked at me as though I were the crazy one and said, "Brother... no responsibilities..." We exchanged respectful words, and as I drove off, I thought to myself, "MAYBE I'VE GOT IT TWISTED."
When I got home approximately two hours later, my family was asleep. I thought to myself how blessed I was, how blessed I and am.
Life is good...
Good night.
Hi JK,
So very nice to hear from you. And as always, a very thoughtful message. You asked about the source of my wisdom. And it's interesting because your message was full of your own wisdom. I think the difference is that I really look at what arises within me, and pay attention to it. I notice what it strikes in me, and if it feels REAL, and when the feeling fills a 'hole in my Soul'....I know this is something I have to not just be aware of,....but that I have to honor. By honor, I mean I have to accept this insight or revelation the same way I would a Federal Law. I'd have to give importance to it, and follow it, act upon it.
You noticed that Brother and his lifestyle. You said after listening to him, 'Maybe I've got it twisted". For me, that would have been a point of contemplation. I would have had to start to look deeper at what this phenomena was bringing to me. The questions that it aroused would have to be seriously thought about. I would have wanted to "play" with it. To explore what it felt like to live a life less encumbered with 'STUFF"...and that would include responsibilities, people, relationships, and material possessions.
All those things are in our lives because of what spiritual teachers call ' attachments'. Meaning that we've formed a way of thinking that tells us, that we need, must have, or can't exist without these things. But in reality that is cultural programming, and adhered to over time, it becomes a delusion of the mind.
Now how extreme one goes, into letting go of (what I call) unnecessary and negative attachments is a very personal project. You notice I italicize unnecessary, because it's easier to identify those people, relationships, habits, beliefs, and possessions that are negative factors in our existence. But to break into the realm of unnecessary attachments, means that one is starting to get serious about trimming down from what society tells you you must have, do and be.....to listen to what Higher Consciousness/Divine Life inside directs.
Back to your original message. You yourself declared, "All I need is a bike, running shoes, and swimming goggles". See...there, you said it...You've done it. You just don't listen to that statement. Nor do you allow yourself to embrace it, and accept it as YOUR TRUTH. Instead, again because of what you think you should be doing,.....you provide a way of living that brings a certain peace of mind, but that in other ways, is questionable as to whether it really expresses YOU!
You state YOUR TRUTH, and then DISCOUNT IT, and laugh about. Do you see what you're doing to yourSelf?
Now I'm not saying tell everyone in the house to "Stand up and start taking responsibility for their own existence," (Which is what most of the people of the world and animal kingdom do), while you pack everything in your duffel bag, take off on your bike, and go out and TASTE Life...simply following your Heart. But you can do that. Now that you are retired, really there's no reason for you to not start experimenting with different ways of experiencing a more personally fulfilling Life.
Little by little....What's to stop you from renting a small mobile home, and start with short vacations on the road by yourself, or take a compatible companion for your adventures? The point is to allow yourself to see how it all feels. For your own Inner Wisdom will tell you what's right for you, and what's not. But even those determinations fall under the rule of Transformtion. Meaning, that something might not be right for you at this moment, but if it remains a strong interest in your consciousness, pursue it, check it out or give it another try at another time. There's a perfect alignment, between one's inner life and wishes, and the circumstances in the external world that must be met, that let's us know we're in harmony with the Cosmos.
Hi Kentke,
How are you? Are you on summer break, or are you blasting through summer school? How is it that you seem to be so much wiser than most people?
I try to channel your wisdom and the wise advice that you've given me. Old habits are hard to break, particularly when people are dependent upon you. I think that marriage and family obligations keep me in order. Otherwise, I'd simply sell everything I own, buy a nice motorhome, and simply travel. Okay... gotta keep a bicycle, running shoes, and swimming goggles. That's all I really need - bicycle, running shoes, and swimming goggles.
Several years ago, I was on patrol at about 1:00 a.m. This buffed out homeless guy was preparing his box for his night's sleep. I pulled the black & white along side him and said/asked, "Brother... why do you care to live like this?"
He looked at me as though I were the crazy one and said, "Brother... no responsibilities..." We exchanged respectful words, and as I drove off, I thought to myself, "MAYBE I'VE GOT IT TWISTED."
When I got home approximately two hours later, my family was asleep. I thought to myself how blessed I was, how blessed I and am.
Life is good...
Good night.
Hi JK,
So very nice to hear from you. And as always, a very thoughtful message. You asked about the source of my wisdom. And it's interesting because your message was full of your own wisdom. I think the difference is that I really look at what arises within me, and pay attention to it. I notice what it strikes in me, and if it feels REAL, and when the feeling fills a 'hole in my Soul'....I know this is something I have to not just be aware of,....but that I have to honor. By honor, I mean I have to accept this insight or revelation the same way I would a Federal Law. I'd have to give importance to it, and follow it, act upon it.
You noticed that Brother and his lifestyle. You said after listening to him, 'Maybe I've got it twisted". For me, that would have been a point of contemplation. I would have had to start to look deeper at what this phenomena was bringing to me. The questions that it aroused would have to be seriously thought about. I would have wanted to "play" with it. To explore what it felt like to live a life less encumbered with 'STUFF"...and that would include responsibilities, people, relationships, and material possessions.
All those things are in our lives because of what spiritual teachers call ' attachments'. Meaning that we've formed a way of thinking that tells us, that we need, must have, or can't exist without these things. But in reality that is cultural programming, and adhered to over time, it becomes a delusion of the mind.
Now how extreme one goes, into letting go of (what I call) unnecessary and negative attachments is a very personal project. You notice I italicize unnecessary, because it's easier to identify those people, relationships, habits, beliefs, and possessions that are negative factors in our existence. But to break into the realm of unnecessary attachments, means that one is starting to get serious about trimming down from what society tells you you must have, do and be.....to listen to what Higher Consciousness/Divine Life inside directs.
Back to your original message. You yourself declared, "All I need is a bike, running shoes, and swimming goggles". See...there, you said it...You've done it. You just don't listen to that statement. Nor do you allow yourself to embrace it, and accept it as YOUR TRUTH. Instead, again because of what you think you should be doing,.....you provide a way of living that brings a certain peace of mind, but that in other ways, is questionable as to whether it really expresses YOU!
You state YOUR TRUTH, and then DISCOUNT IT, and laugh about. Do you see what you're doing to yourSelf?
Now I'm not saying tell everyone in the house to "Stand up and start taking responsibility for their own existence," (Which is what most of the people of the world and animal kingdom do), while you pack everything in your duffel bag, take off on your bike, and go out and TASTE Life...simply following your Heart. But you can do that. Now that you are retired, really there's no reason for you to not start experimenting with different ways of experiencing a more personally fulfilling Life.
Little by little....What's to stop you from renting a small mobile home, and start with short vacations on the road by yourself, or take a compatible companion for your adventures? The point is to allow yourself to see how it all feels. For your own Inner Wisdom will tell you what's right for you, and what's not. But even those determinations fall under the rule of Transformtion. Meaning, that something might not be right for you at this moment, but if it remains a strong interest in your consciousness, pursue it, check it out or give it another try at another time. There's a perfect alignment, between one's inner life and wishes, and the circumstances in the external world that must be met, that let's us know we're in harmony with the Cosmos.
I could go on ....but all I'm saying is don't let yourself become a victim of societies' requirement for order and stability. Those are only illusions. Transformation is the natural way of all Life, and we should not be afraid, to be a part of that ongoing process. Society and culture have handed us a template for Life, that I'm sure is far below what's possible. Be a pioneer...an explorer, a scientist with your own Life as the Lab.
Go on over to Agape Spiritual Center on Buckingham in Fox Hills, and listen to one of my spiritual leaders, Michael Beckwith. I remember him saying: "Ask yourself what is asking to be born within me right now? What wants to be expressed in my Life right now?" These are the types of questions that seekers of alignment with the Cosmos are always asking themselves.
And then, when the answers arise from within, listen,.... and go with it.
It takes great courage to live this way my friend. But because you're in alignment ---your life with Cosmic Consciousness/God,---- doors open, support is offered, mystical experiences and magic happens. And often times, the way is made clear and far easier than you'd ever have known was possible. It's called Grace.
The best part of all of this.....you get to BE your authentic TRUE Self.
Keep writing....keep loving Life to the Max.....and like Bob said, "Free yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves, can free our Minds."
Look for ways to Be More Fun. Stretch beyond your present capacities. Pursue experiences that will tickle the Heart in You that No One has ever met.......
Go on over to Agape Spiritual Center on Buckingham in Fox Hills, and listen to one of my spiritual leaders, Michael Beckwith. I remember him saying: "Ask yourself what is asking to be born within me right now? What wants to be expressed in my Life right now?" These are the types of questions that seekers of alignment with the Cosmos are always asking themselves.
And then, when the answers arise from within, listen,.... and go with it.
It takes great courage to live this way my friend. But because you're in alignment ---your life with Cosmic Consciousness/God,---- doors open, support is offered, mystical experiences and magic happens. And often times, the way is made clear and far easier than you'd ever have known was possible. It's called Grace.
The best part of all of this.....you get to BE your authentic TRUE Self.
Keep writing....keep loving Life to the Max.....and like Bob said, "Free yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves, can free our Minds."
Look for ways to Be More Fun. Stretch beyond your present capacities. Pursue experiences that will tickle the Heart in You that No One has ever met.......
Headline Photo:
A Loving Couple by Vincent Van Gogh
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