Click on the link for fresh photos and news from Virunga National Park that will just make your day.
Four day old Baby Ndeze, shown below in a photo with his now deceased Mother Safari. This was taken about a week after he was born in February 17,2007. Safari was one of 3 females and 1 male executed in late July of this year. The killing of all the females has created a major problem for the future of the Rugendo Family.
This is Ndeze today, 10-02-07, 8 months older.Obviously secure and thriving in the arms of the
caring rangers and vets at the facility in Goma.
This cutie pie is Kabila, orphaned in June 2007 when his mother was found executed. He is a member of the Kabirizi Family. You can see how tiny Kabila is in the top photo where the ranger is holding him.
It's several hours since I posted the above. While searching my Documents File, guess what I discovered? I found that back in March, I had saved documentation of the birth of Baby Ndeze! This sweet Life has been calling me to 'pay attention' since it entered the world. Here's the notice, and two more photos. The first shows more of Ndeze, and the last one is family portrait of Ndeze, held lovingly in the arms of Mother Safari, with protective Dad Rugendo close by.
o1 Mar 2007
Filed under (Rugendo Family, Mountain Gorillas, Successes) by @ 03:02 am
Here are the FIRST PHOTOS of the newborn Mountain Gorilla that was born on Saturday 17th February in the Mikeno sector in Congo. The newborn has been named Ndeze (pronounced Deze), after a local tribal chief who died just two days before the birth. These photos were taken when Ndeze was just 4 days old.
Mother and baby are doing well, and are being protected by the Silverback Rugendo. The mother, Safari (which means Travel in Swahili), is closely guarded by Rugendo so we were very lucky to be able to take these photos and cause no disturbance whatsoever.
Here you can see Safari, Ndeze and Rugendo… he stays close at all times.
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