Dear Friend,
I don't know if you could sense this, but I am quite quietly spiritual. I am blessed with a sensitivity and 'knowing' that is often accurate.
Your recent message casually mentioned how drained you felt, maintaining your daily life. For some reason, that comment really stuck in the back of my consciousness. I 'launched' Knewz, and went on with my daily life, which suddenly got full as I started back full time substitute teaching at an inner-city public school. I've been in the process of pulling away for good from this type of work, as it is just absolutely not me. I got into it by accident, have just stayed way tooooo long. Anyway....that's another story.
Here I was on day to day assignments, with large classes of Middle & High School (6th-12th grade) students. All the time, the World continues, with many things that I would like to comment on or respond to, but at the end of the day in the school....all I want is to just revert to the other aspect of my character...which is my hermetic/contemplative nature. To just be quiet, and still....or at the minimum do something very good for my body, like a 2 hour walk along the coast, a leisurely jog on a tree-lined path or a soulful spin class.
I noticed that you are making efforts to disassociate yourself from some of your commitments. I think I got the gist, that you just have too much going on.
Dear Friend, take care of yourself First.....Be especially loving to your inner Life. Give It what it needs. Do not ever feel guilty for honoring what you know you love and need to maintain your well-being. I am not in any way suggesting that you are feeling any sense of 'shame or guilt'. What I am encouraging you to do is Love yourself even More.
I know you have the power and means to create your world and order it as you like. Even within that, we are offered times when we can step back, and reassess, and decide to release somethings, people, activities, even beloved cherished beliefs and concepts. We do this, because this is a cycle of Nature, of which we are a part.
This morning I was unsuccessfully attempting to write a blog on this subject of Transformation. Change is what most people call the phenomenon I want to discuss, but....actually in the world of Nature, the concept is called Molting.
Perhaps, out of these words from my Heart to you, will flow the framework for which to begin the discussion on my blog. The main point I am trying to make is that releasing that which it's time to let go of, creates space. And really, we all need greater space. In our minds, our heart, our environments both personal and extended. In that space, we can just rest in the openness that's been created, and after a while, we will see the emergence of 'The New', fresh in-the-moment gift that Cosmic Consciousness wants to live/give birth to in our world. Therefore, I congratulate your decision to let go of some of your committments.
Indulge your Highest Self Sweet. You, I and many others were saddened by the passing of Anita Roddick, the Body Shoppe founder. What a great role model for women! And truly all humane beings. Often when we care so much about the world, we can loose the connection to our own inner world. In these times, when the world tugs, calls, blasts, and jerks our attention to it's direction, tighten the bond between your inner ear and Heart. No matter what, listen and act from there always.
This will keep you safe. This will keep you fulfilled. This will solidify your peace.
I know, from our connection that you have already understood my good intention, and forgiven my tone and presumptuous words. I know that you also know, that what I write to you, I am actually writing for myself.
In Oneness~
Saturday, September 22, 2007
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Written & published
March 21
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